Welcome to a short Slideshow that gives you a glimpse into a better future of investing. If you are an individual investor or a financial professional the few minutes it takes to read the following few pages can be the best investment you ever make.


Click the picture for Leland hevner’s CV

Click the picture for Leland hevner’s CV

Allow me to introduce myself as Leland Hevner, President of the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI). I founded the NAOI in 1997 with the mission of empowering individuals to invest with confidence and success via education and the use of online resources. We have taught thousands of people how to invest via our books, online courses, college classes and the market’s only Individual Investor Certification Program. Click here for more information.

For over a decade we taught students to create portfolios using industry standard methods based on an approach called Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). And our courses received the highest possible ratings from students. Yet, when the stock market crashed and the MPT portfolios our students were holding crashed with it, I stopped all NAOI education classes. I could no longer in good conscience teach portfolio design methods that allowed this to happen. At that point I refocused NAOI resources on finding a better approach to portfolio design and to investing in general.

Dynamic Investment Theory: A Better Approach to Investing

Following a multi-year effort we found a better approach in the form of Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT) the first viable alternative to MPT since 1952 when MPT was introduced. DIT creates a revolutionary investment type called Dynamic Investments (DIs) that are “market-sensitive” and capable of producing significantly higher returns than MPT portfolios with lower risk and no active management required. On the following Slides you will learn how DIT and DIs work and why this new approach will enable millions of people to enter the market and invest with confidence and without fear.

Change Is Not Optional

When the investing public learns about Dynamic Investments they will demand them. Financial organizations that first meet this demand will thrive; those that don’t will lose market share. Soon, very soon, change of the nature presented on the following slides will not be optional.

Slideshow Index

a new era of investing is dawning

a new era of investing is dawning