The Value of an NAOI Partnership
The NAOI brings a unique set of knowledge, services and skills to the financial services industry. Having worked closely with, and taught personal investing to the public for close to two decades we have an unmatched knowledge of the psychology of the individual investor. We know how they view the field of investing and why most people fear it. We know how and why they make investing decisions. And we know what they want and need from the financial services industry to enter the market with confidence.
We use this knowledge to develop education content, to create innovative investing products/methods and to build superior investing solutions for our students. We also use this information to show financial advisors and organizations how to attract and retain more clients than their competitors.
We work with the financial services industry via Consulting Agreements discussed at this link and Partnerships that are discussed below on this page.
The NAOI offers multiple Partnership types. Among them are the following.
NAOI Strategic Partnerships
An NAOI Strategic Partnership is all-encompassing. It includes the elements discussed below as well as other forms of assistance as requested by our Strategic Partner.
The Value of Trust
Being associated with the NAOI will take an organization’s “trust factor” with investors to the next level. The NAOI is known by the public as an honest, objective and strong advocate of the individual investor. A Strategic Partnership with the NAOI will be seen as an indication that your organization has been reviewed by the NAOI and can be trusted to treat them honestly, professionally and effectively. In a world where, according to a recent CFA Institute Survey, only 23% of individual investors trust their financial advisors, an NAOI Strategic Partnership will be a major competitive advantage in a very crowded market.
The Value of Understanding Investors
A major benefit of an NAOI Partnership is gaining access to the NAOI’s unmatched knowledge of the investing public. Based on 20+ years of teaching and working with individual investors, we know what they want and need from the financial services industry to participate in the market with confidence and without fear. This incredibly valuable and actionable information can be used by our Partners to create and offer products and services that the NAOI knows that the public is looking for.
“Fintech” Is Not the Solution
The NAOI knows that simply enhancing existing investing methods will not meet the needs of the investing public. Strategic planning based on such offerings as robo-advisors and other Fintech solutions in the market today are of little interest to the average person with money to invest. The NAOI can save your organization a significant amount of time, effort and money by showing you exactly what the public needs from financial organizations and advisors to attract and retain their business. And then we show you how to develop it, market it and use it to gain far more clients than you have today.
The Value of Innovation
As a Strategic Partner your organization will take advantage of the NAOI’s unique ability to “think differently” about how investing can and should work in a manner that better meets the challenges of modern markets and the goals of investors. The NAOI’s development of Dynamic Investment Theory and Dynamic Investments is one example. We know that this approach to investing will enable your organization to supplement your current product line with new offerings that will result in more clients and higher revenues.
And our Research Department is working on innovative investing methods and investment products that can give your organization a massive competitive advantage over competitors that offer “me too” products.
The Value of Meeting the Needs of the Investing Public
With an NAOI Strategic Partnership we will bring the voice of the investing public to your strategic planning efforts. It is a voice that is too rarely heard today and, as a result, both advisors and financial organization spend millions of dollars developing products that the public won’t buy. In this manner alone, the ROI of an NAOI Strategic Partnership will be off-the-charts high. We guarantee it.
An NAOI Strategic Partnership can also include any or all of the more narrowly focused Partnerships discussed below.
NAOI Education Partnerships
When the NAOI asks the public the single offering that would have the greatest attraction to them, the benefit that tops the list is EDUCATION. People want to understand how investing works and the investments they are being offered. They also want to understand why and when trades will be made to enable them to grow and protect their wealth. The days of simply “trusting” advisor recommendations are coming to an end. To provide this competitive advantage, the NAOI offers an Education Partnership.
The NAOI can develop for your organization the first-class education offering that the public wants and needs to buy and use your products / services. With this type of partnership we work with your organization to define a client education strategy that will enhance the saleability of your product line while building a massive amount of trust in your recommendations.
The NAOI can then implement the strategy quickly and efficiently by using our investing knowledge-base to create any number of courses, seminars and/or whitepapers that teach people not only about investing basics but also why YOUR products and services are better than your competitors.
The NAOI will not partner with any organization that we feel is not working in the best interests of the public - but for those that are, we can make sure that the market knows it. Providing high-level investing education relate to investing basics as well as the benefits of using your products and services is a clear signal to the market that yours is an organization that can be trusted.
NAOI Research and Development Partnerships
The NAOI offers the opportunity for financial organizations to collaborate with us on the research and development of new investing products and methods that will define the future of investing. Our R&D capabilities and efforts are described on the "Research and Development" page of this site. All NAOI R&D projects are based on input from the investing public and the exceptional resources used by the NAOI. The products and methods developed here will give any financial organization that uses them a significant competitive advantage in the future of investing.
As an NAOI R&D Partner you will have access to our market research, our unmatched understanding of what the investor market wants and needs, our creative talent and our ability to think out-side-the-box to create total investor solutions. Dynamic Investment Theory and NAOI Dynamic Investments are just one example. In this area we can assist your organization in creating powerful new products, and entire new product lines, by combining existing ETFs in the Dynamic Investment format.
NAOI Retirement Plan Partnerships
The NAOI offers a 401(k) Partnership that shows Retirement Plan providers how to gain a massive competitive advantage by including high-return, low risk Dynamic Investments (DIs) in their offerings.
NAOI 401(k) Partners will learn how to design and use DIs to build a Plan that fits any company's unique requirements, including a "default" investment that will meet the risk/return needs of all employees regardless of their age, risk profile or time to retirement. NAOI 401(k) partners will receive training on how these investments work and are managed along with an education package for Plan participants along with marketing materials that explain the benefits of this new approach.
This is an unprecedented opportunity to be the first to offer what will become the Retirement Investing Plan of the future.
NAOI Academic Partnerships
Academia, we need to talk! Where are your objective and comprehensive courses on Personal Investing? Why are the classes that you do offer, typically in Continuing Education, almost always taught by financial salespeople? Why do you virtually ignore teaching this vital life-skill as a part of your mainstream curricula?
This “hole” in format education today needs to be filled immediately. Effective personal investing is one of the most important skills that a person can learn. Very few areas of knowledge have a larger effect on a person's quality of life than learning how to invest.
The NAOI solves this problem by providing academia with a tested and proven-effective Personal Investing Curricula that give the public what they need to become confident, knowledgeable and successful investors whether they work with an advisor or on their own.
An NAOI Education Partnership is the vehicle for doing so. We suggest that you first review the Education page on this site and then Contact us to begin the process of developing personal investing courses that will be over-subscribed each time you offer them.
NAOI Consulting
Partnerships are open-ended and services are provided on an as-needed basis. An NAOI Consulting Agreement is more focused on meeting specific goals as described at this link.
Designing a Partnership that Meets Your Needs
There are many types of Partnerships that the NAOI can offer. Perhaps you have found a Partnership Type that meets your needs on this page. If not, contact us and let us know how we can assist you in reaching your unique goals by taking advantage of NAOI experience, products and knowledge. For this purpose you can contact me directly at
“the future of investing starts here” is a registered trademark of Leland Hevner and the NAOI