“Thinking Differently” about How Investing Can and Should Work
The NAOI was founded in 1997 with the mission of empowering individuals to invest with confidence via education and the use of online resources. We are currently the market’s leading provider of comprehensive, objective and actionable investor education to the public . As a result, we are a major influencer on how people invest today as well as the advisors they choose to work with.
The Need for Change
As we teach the public, they teach us, and we know that far too many people who need investing income are either not participating in the market or are investing too conservatively. Why? Primarily because they are afraid of the risks related to owning portfolios created by today’s industry standard design methodology called Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT).
MPT dictates that portfolios be created to match a “guesstimate” of an individual’s risk profile and then they are to be held for the long-term. This buy-and-hold mandate makes them dangerously vulnerable to significant market price downturns and crashes that occur on an average of every 6-7 years. The constant threat of losing a significant portion of their saving by owning static portfolios is simply too stressful for many potential investors to handle.
The problem is that MPT was introduced to the market in the 1950’s when markets were a far different place than they are today. While markets have evolved significantly since then, MPT has barely changed at all and the portfolios it creates simply cannot cope with modern volatile markets.
The Change Needed - Dynamic Investment Theory and Dynamic Investments
To resolve this problem the NAOI has created an alternative to MPT called Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT) that sets the logic and rules for the creation of an new investment type that thrives in modern markets.
This new investment type is called Dynamic Investments (DIs). They are designed to automatically change the ETF(s) they hold based on a periodic sampling of market trends. By being doing so, they are “market-sensitive” and capable of quickly reacting to major market changes in order to capture gains and avoid losses - resulting in higher returns with lower risk than any investment type in use today. Plus, when added as building blocks to MPT portfolios, DIs make them dynamic as well and both enhance returns and lower risk.
More than Just a “Good Idea”
DIT and DIs are not just good idea that may work and many not. The NAOI is now teaching this approach to the public via our extensive education network. Students who have learned this simple, but incredibly powerful approach to investing tell us that this is finally the approach they need to enter the market with confidence and without fear. And they will search for advisors that offer it.
An Introduction to Dynamic Investments
Click this link to learn more about Dynamic Investments and to see the amazing levels of performance that Dynamic Investments can produce on a consistent basis.
"the future of investing starts here" is a registered trade mark of Leland Hevner and the national association of online investors