The National Association of Online Investors
A Unique Organization that Is Defining a Better Future of Investing
via Education, Innovation and Consulting
Hello and welcome to the Media Center for the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI). My name is Leland Hevner. I founded the NAOI in 1997 with the mission of empowering individuals to invest with confidence and without fear via objective education and the use of online resources. Thousands of individuals have taken our online courses, read our books and/or attended our college classes. As such, we are a major influencer of how people invest and the financial organizations they choose to work with.
The NAOI Is Introducing a New Approach to Investing
For over a decade after our founding we taught industry standard, Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), methods for portfolio design and management. However, following the subprime market crash of 2008-2009 and the resultant massive loss of value by MPT portfolios, we saw that static, buy-and-hold portfolios could not cope with modern markets. At that point the NAOI stopped all education classes until we could find an alternative approach to MPT that could.
Based on input from NAOI students the NAOI we met this goal with the development of a new approach to portfolio design and management called Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT) that changes how investing works at a fundamental level.
As a member of the financial media we believe that your audience will benefit greatly by learning about it first. Following is a quick overview of how Dynamic Investments work.
Introducing Dynamic Investments - This Is the Future of Investing
Dynamic Investment Theory creates an innovative investment type called Dynamic Investments (DIs) that are capable of automatically changing the ETFs they hold based on a periodic sampling of the price trend of each. This makes them the financial world’s first “market-sensitive” investment - capable of detecting price uptrends wherever they exist in the market and capturing their gains while avoiding downtrends and avoiding their losses. As a result this new investment type produces performance that MPT portfolios can’t touch, with lower risk and no active management required.
Unmatched Performance
As an example, the simplest possible Dynamic Investment that rotates only between a Total Stock Market ETF and a Government Bond Market ETF based on a quarterly sampling of their price trends produced the following performance during the period from 2008-2020. They are compared to the performance of an MPT during the same period with the allocations shown.
And simply adding one more ETF to purchase “candidates” used by this Dynamic Investment, produced the following performance:
While MPT says that higher returns can only come with higher risk, DIT says that this is nonsense. Returns of other Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios that include DIs are found at this link that we keep updated on a regular basis.
The NAOI Is Now Teaching This New Approach
The NAOI is beginning to teach the use of this approach throughout our extensive education channels. As investors learn about it, demand will grow. Our students who are using DIs in their portfolios with exceptional results tell us that this is the approach to investing that will finally enable them to enter the market with confidence and without fear. And they will search for advisors and financial organizations that offer it. If they can’t find any that do, individuals of all experience levels will be able to easily implement and manage DIs designed by the NAOI on their own using an online broker and NAOI support materials.
The World of Investing Has Just Evolved
The world of investing has been stuck in the Modern Portfolio Theory “box” for far too long. MPT was introduced to the market in the 1950’s. Markets have changed significantly since then while MPT methods have barely changed at all, and the simply can’t cope with modern volatile markets.
DIT and DIs use a buy-and-sell management strategy that thrives in today’s markets. This new approach brings the world of investing into the 21 century - and with unprecedented catalysts causing major market price swings on an almost daily basis, the arrival of DIT comes not a moment too soon for the investing public that the NAOI exists to serve.
Article Suggestions
DIT and DIs will change virtually every aspect of how investing works today. Go to this link for example article titles that we believe your audience will find interesting.
Leland Hevner’s CV and the NAOI Pressroom
Leland Hevner’s experience, accomplishments and media presence is found at this link.
Examples of the NAOI in the news can be found in our Pressroom found at this link.
Contact Information
For further information, questions and/or interviews please contact Hevner at Or call at 813-847-2121.
"the future of investing starts here" is a registered service mark of leland hevner and the naoi