The National Association of Online Investors
- In The News -
Founded in 1997 the NAOI has viewed the world of investing through the eyes of the public. As a result the financial print and broadcast media have frequently asked NAOI President, Leland Hevner, to comment on how he expects a variety of economic and market events to affect the average person with money to invest. It is an extremely valuable viewpoint that is too often ignored in the investing world today.
Following are just a few examples of the NAOI in the news. Note that in 2014 the NAOI "went quiet" from a publicity standpoint while we focused on developing a new approach to investing that we call Dynamic Investment Theory and an innovative investment type called Dynamic Investments. You can read this fundamental change to investing by clicking here.
NAOI “Dynamic Investments” In the News
With the announcement of the development of NAOI Dynamic Investment Theory and Dynamic Investments, the media and the financial services industry is beginning to take notice of this new approach to investing. Click the image below to read an interview with Leland Hevner conducted by Bill Hortz, Founder of the Institute for Innovation Development. The above interview was also posted at these sites: NASDAQ, Seeking Alpha, Harvest Exchange and Financial Advisor Magazine.
The above interview was also posted at these sites: NASDAQ, Seeking Alpha, Harvest Exchange and Financial Advisor Magazine.
The Perfect Portfolio Book
Hevner is the author of a best selling book shown below entitled “The Perfect Portfolio” published by John Wiley &Sons. Click here to learn about it.
“The Future of investing starts here” is a trademark owned by Leland hevner and the NAOI
The National Association of Online Investors (NAOI) In the News Since the Year 2000
The following list of announcements and news articles show that the NAOI and President, Leland Hevner have been recognized as a valuable source of investing information for over two decades.
January 25, 2013 - NAOI President, Leland Hevner was called upon by Investors Business Daily to provide his views of the Charles Schwab online investing platform.
March 30, 2012 - NAOI President, Leland Hevner provides comments and insight for a front page article entitled "Junk Bonds Feed a Hungry Market".
November 2011 - Vantagepoint Benefits Advisors. As a result of Mr. Hevner's successful presentations at, Vantagepoint Benefits Advisors makes plans to partner with Mr. Hevner and the NAOI to provide total 401k solutions
April 2011 - 401k Seminars. NAOI President Leland Hevner was invited by this dynamic and rapidly growing company in the Chicago area to give a series of seminars on 401k Plans to its employees. Mr. Hevner's presentations revolutionary concepts related to 401k investing prompted a number of employees to join the corporate plan.
March / April, 2010 - Issue of GRAND Magazine. This excellent online magazine targeting issues related to Grandparents printed an article by NAOI President Leland Hevner related to "green" investing along with a link to his newsletter on this topic. Also included is an excerpt from Mr. Hevner's book "The Perfect Portfolio".
February, 2010 - Article in SFO Magazine. SFO Magazine has accepted and printed an article by NAOI President Leland Hevner. It is entitled "Four Keys to Success: Investing in Today's Volatile Markets" and is available in the online portion of the February issue.
November, 2009 - Fox Business Channel Appearance. NAOI President, Leland Hevner appeared today on the Fox Business Channel show "Fox Business Live to discuss his best selling book "The Perfect Portfolio".
January, 2010 - Article in Wealth Magazine. Wealth Magazine has written an article discussing Leland Hevner's book "The Perfect Portfolio" . The article is entitled "Design the Perfect Portfolio". Access it here.
November 2009 Exec Digital published Mr. Hevner's article entitled "4 Keys to Investing Success in Today's Volatile Markets". Keys included buying only total market indexes, following trends and using stop loss orders.
May 2008 - NAOI Announces Partnership with the Options News Network. The Options News Network and the NAOI today announced a channel partnership that will allow them to better serve and bring greater value to their respective client bases.
February 2008 - Education, Not Information: Getting Your Employees to Invest in 401(k) Plans. Chief Learning Officer Magazine publishes an interview with NAOI President, Lee Hevner related to the key role of education in enabling employees to take advantage of their 401(k) Plans.
March 2007 - NAOI Announces Partnership with Phillips Investment Resources. The NAOI announced today a cooperative agreement with Phillips Investment Resources to develop a full line of individual investor education products to be offered by Phillips.
July 2006 - NAOI Announces Marketing Partnership with the Association of National Account Executives. NAOI President Lee Hevner announced a Marketing Partnership that enables ANAE to provide NAOI Education Courses to their members at special pricing.
July 2006 - NAOI Announces Release of the "Trading Stocks Like the Masters" Specialty Course. Today the NAOI introduced for sale a home study course centered on the site at This site translates the stock picking methodologies of the best investors in history and creates specific stock trading ideas based on their methods. The NAOI continuously scans the Web for the best resources and creates Specialty Courses for them.
July 2006 - NAOI Announces Agreement with Egar Technology. Students of the NAOI Course: "Stock Options for the Average Investor" will receive special pricing on a full suite of options analysis tools found at the Egar Technology site at These tools enable individuals to analyze stock option pricing, access volatility data and search for the best options trades for a variety of strategies.
March 2006 - NAOI Announces Business Partnership with the Better Trends Group in Dubai, UAE. NAOI President Lee Hevner announced today a business partnership with the Better Trends Group (BTG) located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates for the purpose of developing an investing training program for that country.
September 2004 - NAOI Profile in Westchester, NY. Journal News. In an article entitled "Investor Tools: Escaping A Maze" Gannett News Reporter Jay Loomis profiles the NAOI. The article describes how NAOI courses save individuals hundreds of hours of research by providing a list of the most effective investing sites on the Web and a structured methodology for using them.
May 2004, Palm Springs, California: KPSI Radio. NAOI President Leland Hevner was heard on KPSI radio in Palm Springs, California today to discuss the lawsuit filed by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer against former NYSE Chairman, Dick Grasso related to Mr. Grasso's seemingly excessive pay package .
April 2004, Washington D.C. - Press Release: NAOI Announces Individual Investor Certification Program Release. Today the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI) officially announced the release of its unique Individual Investor Certification Program. This 16 lesson personal study course covers over 200 investing topics and is targeted at enabling individuals to take personal control of their portfolios, and thus their financial futures.
November 2002 - NAOI President Leland Hevner quoted in article on CNN Money Web site. In the article entitled "Investors have veered away from online trades", Mr. Hevner stresses that online investing does not necessarily equate to online trading. Online resources can be used for getting investing ideas and performing due diligence on investment recommendations from any source - including investment advisors.
October 2002, Washington D.C. - NAOI President Appears On CBSNews. Leland Hevner appeared on the "Channel 9 News Live" program this morning responding to financial questions from callers. Channel 9 is the Washington, D.C. affiliate of CBS.
September 2002, Knight-RidderArticle - NAOI President Leland Hevner was quoted in a Knight-Ridder article on how online investors have reacted to recent market volatility. The article appeared in a number of Knight-Ridder newspapers, including the Charlotte Observer, the St. Paul Pioneer Press, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the San Jose Mercury News, the Wichita Eagle, the Akron Beacon Journal, the Bradenton (FL) Herald, and the Contra Costa (CA) Times, and on Web sites such as and
August 2002, Washington D.C. - NAOI Featured On ABC World News This Morning. NAOI President Leland Hevner was interviewed related to the changing nature of online investing. Mr. Hevner made the point that the definition of online investing is changing from meaning "day-trading" to relating more to using online resources for educational purposes and for identifying and evaluating investments before buying.
July 18, 2002, Washington D.C. - NAOI Featured On CNBC Business Center. Leland Hevner, was prominently featured on CNBC's Business Center on Thursday, July 18, in a discussion of "cash" investment types that individual investors are flocking to as safe havens in a turbulent market. Mr. Hevner discussed the virtues of GNMA mortgage backed securities as a low risk investment that has performed extremely well in the current market environment. in the past several years, earning an average of over 8% annually.
July 2002 - NAOI Quoted In Associated Press Article. In an article by columnist Rachel Beck, NAOI President, Leland Hevner, comments on the importance of individuals having a plan when they invest. The plan needs to include not only buying securities but also selling to take profits and limit losses.
April 2002: New York Post Spotlights NAOI's Warning on "Red Flags." Karen Hoffman interviewed NAOI President Leland Hevner for an article in the New York Post on accounting "red flags" that could signal another Enron-type situation.
February 2002, Washington D.C. - NAOI Featured On CNBC Business Center - The NAOI Web site and NAOI President, Leland Hevner, were prominently featured on CNBC's Business Center on Tuesday, February 26. In a feature series by reporter Lynnette Khalfani entitled "Who Can You Trust", Mr. Hevner commented on the financial newsletter industry, stating that all stock recommendations, regardless of the source, should be seen only as a starting point for personal due diligence.
May 2001, Washington D.C. - The NAOI Featured On Under the title "Tools: Investor Beware" author Tom Kraeutler reviewed online Web resources and stressed the point that tools can be dangerous to a person's financial health without the education necessary to utilize them. Too many sellers of tools for online investing neglect the critical element of education beyond simple definitions and educational "sound bites". The bottom line is that tools by themselves are not effective. Tools in combination with comprehensive education are what the market is demanding.
December 2000, Washington D.C. - NAOI Featured In Physicians Money Digest® within an article entitled "Old Investment Rules Still Valid Online" by writer Ed Rabinowitz. In the article NAOI's president, Lee Hevner, is cited multiple times as stressing the value of basic investing education as a foundation for successful online investing. Included in the article is a picture of the NAOI's Web site. The digest is sent to over 50,000 physicians world-wide.
September 2000, Washington D.C. - NAOI Exhibits at Washington Post Personal Finance Conference. The National Association of Online Investors ® introduced its new Online Investing Study Course at the Washington Post Personal Finance Conference today in Washington, D.C. Over 700 people visited the NAOI ® booth to learn the benefits of becoming an NAOI Charter Member.