Below on this Web page you will be able to purchase the NAOI Dynamic Investment User’s Manual. It teaches you how to use a new, and in many ways superior, approach to portfolio design and management developed by the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI) called Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT) as explained at this link. DIT creates an innovative investment type called Dynamic Investments (DIs) as explained at this link. NAOI students who have learned how DIT works and how to use DIs by reading the User’s Manual, tell us that this is finally the approach to investing that will enable them to enter the market with confidence and without fear.

To obtain your copy of the DI User’s Manual simply click the “Purchase” button under the Cover image shown below. You will be taken to a secure order page where you enter your personal and credit card information. After entering this information and reviewing the order details click the “Purchase” button. An order confirmation will be displayed on your screen and you will also be sent a confirmation email. The DI User’s Manual will be shipped to you via USPS Priority Mail and you will get an email when the shipment takes place along with a tracking number.

If you have a student or corporate Discount Code you will be able to enter it on the Order page. To see if you qualify for a discount, contact the author at

The NAOI is also offering to a select group of investing professionals pre-release access to a seminal Research Report entitled “A Blueprint for the Future of Invest”. It explains in detail how DIT and DIs work and how financial organizations can use them to easily, quickly and with minimal cost expand their product base and attract far more clients than they do today. To be considered for joining this group, click this link.

Dynamic Investment User-Manual Details

Dynamic Investment User's Manual

Title: High-Return, Low-Stress Investing; A User’s Manual for NAOI Dynamic Investments

Author: Leland B. Hevner
Publisher: The National Association of Online Investors (NAOI)
Publish Date: 2022
Number of Pages: 54 pages, duplex printed on 27 sheets of paper and comb bound for easy “lay-flat” reading as shown at right.
Table of Contents: Scroll down to the bottom of this page to view the DI User’s Manual Table of Contents

Price $149

The Simple and Safe Order Process:

  • Click the “Purchase” Button below the image of the User’s Manual at right.

  • You will be taken to a secure Web page where you can enter your email address and Credit Card information.

  • If the order is going to a location in the US or Canada shipping is free. If shipping is to another country, a $30 shipping fee will be added to the $149 price.

  • After submitting the order, you will be sent an email confirming the transaction. A USPS tracking number will be emailed to you when the shipment is made.

  • You can abort the order process at any time by clicking “Remove” in the “Order Summary” area of the page.

  • The NAOI uses the Stripe Order Processing system for credit card transactions that is used by millions of organizations for processing payments and is 100% secure.

Discounts: Contact the author at for academic or corporate discounts.

What About the Price?

The NAOI is well aware that the financial services industry is awash with investing books for a variety of topics priced below $30. Why is the price for the DI User’s Manual higher? The answer is that the average investing book offered today discusses what the author believes to be helpful ideas using today’s industry-standard methods based on Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Few, if any, authors dare to question the effectiveness of this approach.

This DI User’s Manual is different. In it you will learn why MPT methods (introduced to the market in the 1950’s) are not optimal in modern volatile markets and why their buy-and-hold strategy is simply too risky for investors to accept. In contrast Dynamic Investments (DIs) use a simple buy-and-sell strategy to both capture market gains and to avoid significant losses in all market conditions - Bull and Bear. By being able to change the ETFs they hold based on a periodic sampling of market trends, DIs are “market-sensitive” and capable of producing returns that MPT-based portfolios can’t touch and with lower risk. This is a radically new approach that enables portfolios to thrive in modern markets.

When you consider that the new approach presented in the DI User’s Manual has the potential to consistently add multiple percentage points to your portfolio’s returns, without higher risk, the purchase price is insignificant.

The Price for the DI User’s Manual Will Go Up. The NAOI is currently teaching the DIT-based approach to investing throughout our extensive education channels. And demand for this approach in growing. As it does, the price for the DI User’s Manual will increase.