Creating a Better World of Investing
through Education and Innovatioon
Welcome to the Web site of the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI). Founded by Leland Hevner in 1997 the NAOI is the nation's premier provider of objective education to the market. Thousands of individuals have taken our college courses and/or read our books. However, we have found that education is not enough to empower individual investors to succeed in today's markets. Also needed are new and more effective investing methods and investment vehicles. Therefore, in addition to education the NAOI also provides investing innovation.
The NAOI has two major divisions - one for investor education and one for investing research and development. Together these two components enable us to meet our mission of empowering individuals to invest with confidence and success. They also enable us, through our consulting services, to provide financial organizations with ways to create significant new revenue streams and a massive competitive in the coming future of investing.
Spend some time reading the material on this site. Whether you are an individual investor or a financial professional it will give you a whole new perspective on how investing should and will work in the future. On these pages you will be rewarded with a glimpse of the rapidly approaching Future of Investing - and it is amazing!
Our Latest Development: Dynamic Investment Theory
Our most recent major accomplishment is the discovery of a new portfolio design methodology called Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT). DIT is at least a viable alternative to Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and at most a complete replacement. This new theory creates a unique, new investment type called Dynamic Investments (DIs) that are the financial world's first "market-sensitive" investment vehicle. DIs produce returns that MPT portfolios can't touch with signfiicantly less risk. We are confident that they will dominate and define the future world of investing. Go to the "Dynamic Investment" area of this site to read an overview of this powerful new investing approach.
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The Amazing Future of Investing book
The Amazing Future of Investing book is the most significant investing book to be published in decades. It challenges Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) as the "settled science" approach to portfolio design today. It shows how NAOI Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT) is a far superior approach for building portfolios that thrive in modern volatile markets.
In this book you will uncover an entire new world of investing opportunities and profits. Go to the NAOI store for more information and to purchase this game-changing book.
If you are an individual investor reading this book will give you the confidence to take full advantage of today's market gains potential without excessive risk.
If you are a financial professional or a member of a financial organization this book will give you the competitive edge needed to increase revenues in a crowded market.
Why the NAOI Is Unique in the Financial Services Industry
No organization understands the investing public as well as the National Association of Online Investors. We have been teaching investing to average people with money to invest for over 20 years. We know what the public wants and needs from the financial services industry that they are not getting today. As a result, via our next-generation products, training classes and consulting services the NAOI can enable ANY financial organization to gain a massive competitive advantage in the crowded market of financial services. Click the pictures below to learn more about the NAOI and our offerings.
Our Mission
The mission of the NAOI is to empower individuals to become more confident and successful investors. This will only happen when individuals become smarter and the world of investing becomes simpler. The NAOI is working to ensure both of these outcomes. NAOI education resources are without parallel in the market today. We have taught thousands of individuals how to investing over the past 20 years. We are also a leader in investment research and development. The NAOI is committed to improving the methods and tools available to investors today. To this end we have recently introduced Dynamic Investment Theory that changes how investing works at a fundamental level. The combination of education and investment R&D makes the NAOI unique in the industry.
Investor Education
Investor education today is in an odd and dangerous state. The investing world is so complex that the public must seek education from people who sell investing products and services. Academia is strangely absent in this area that is such a vital life-skill. A goal of the NAOI is to provide to the public unbiased, comprehensive and actionable investor education. Since our founding we have taught thousands of individuals how to invest. One task of our Research Center is to continually develop new and updated investor education content as well as innovative teaching methods for delivering it to the public. It is time to start treating personal investing as a legitimate field of study and not as a sales opportunity for the financial services industry.
NAOI Dynamic Investing
Research and Development
Today investment portfolios are designed using an approach called Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), a methodology that was introduced in 1952. While markets have changed dramatically since then, the methods used almost universally today to cope with them have not. At best MPT-based investing methods are no longer optimal, at worst they simply don't work and people that use them place their financial security at great risk. The NAOI Research Center is tasked with creating new, simpler and more powerful approaches to investing that are designed to work in current markets. And it does so not with minor "tweaks" to traditional investing methods (such as robo-advisors) but rather with bold strokes that change the core principles of how we invest today such as Dynamic Investments.
What if we could start with a clean slate and create a new approach to investing from scratch? Would it look like how we invest today? The answer is a resounding "NO". Given the chance to start over we would not own the static, buy-and-hold portfolios that are universally recommended by financial advisors today. Rather, we would own dynamic portfolios that automatically adjust their holdings in order to own only equities that are trending up in price while selling or avoiding those that are moving down. On this site you will read about NAOI Dynamic Investing Theory and learn how this can be done. You will see that the simplest Dynamic Investment earned an average annual return of 20%+ during the volatile period from 2007-2015 with low risk and minimal expenses! Also visit
The Future of Investing
NAOI Products and Services
The NAOI provides a full range of investing products and services to both individuals and the financial services industry. For individual investors we provide education resources and new investing methods that will enable them to become confident and successful investors whether working with an advisor or on their own. For financial organizations we offer Seminars, Classes and Consulting Services that show them how to "evolve" their offerings to cope with increasingly volatile markets and to meet the changing needs of the investing public. The NAOI is the only organization that caters to the needs of both the investing public and the financial organizations that serve them. By doing so we are uniquely positioned to create the better "future of investing" you will read about on this site.
Today the average person with money to invest has no power. They are almost totally dependent on financial salespeople to manage their financial futures. In the NAOI's vision of the future of investing, power will shift from the financial industry to the public, creating a more equitable balance. When this occurs the world of investing as we know it goes away and a simpler more profitable world emerges for both individual investors and for financial professionals. In this section of the site you will read about the NAOI vision for a better future of investing that defies what today's experts will say is possible. It is a world in which 20%+ annual returns are achievable without excessive risk in any economic condition. It is a world that that will be significantly "evolved" from the one we face today.
The NAOI Is Evolving the World of Investing
The world of investing today is a chaotic mess. It is a world so confusing and lacking in logic that most individuals have little option but to entrust their financial futures to third party salespeople and just hope for the best. This sad state of affairs ends with the education and innovation described on this page.
At the root of the problem is the universal use of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) to design portfolios today. This is a theory introduced to the market in 1952 when the market was a far different place. While markets have evolved significantly since then, MPT has not, and its asset-allocation, buy-and-hold methodology cannot cope with modern markets. Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT) was created by the NAOI to evolve the way we invest into the 21st Century. The Dynamic Investments that DIT creates are designed specifically to work in modern markets and they do so amazingly well. You will why and how on this site.
It's Time for Action!
Every day you hold a portfolio based on MPT-based methods you put your financial future at risk. The time for action is now. Finally you have a better alternative in the form of DIT-based investments and portfolios that you will learn about on this site. Here are the action steps you need to take immediately to both grow and protect your wealth.
- Read the pages of this site
- Sign up for the NAOI Updates Email list at the bottom of this page
- Purchase The Amazing Future of Investing Book in the NAOI store.
- If you are an individual investor, you can begin benefiting from the use of Dynamic Investments immediately upon completion of the book.
- If you are a financial professional start planning to include Dynamic Investments in your product offerings immediately by taking advantage of NAOI Support Resources.
The market offers significant returns in all economic condition. MPT methods don't enable you to capture them. DIT methods do. It is time to think differently and to prosper.
Dynamic investment empower you to invest with confidence and without fear
The Perfect Portfolio Book
If you reached this page by way of "The Perfect Portfolio" book, you can find the online calculators and worksheets referenced in the book at this link.