The National Association of Online Investors (NAOI) New Site
Well, this is probably not the page you were expecting. Here's the deal. You have tried to access a page on the site that just doesn't exist and, in techie language, a 404 Error occurred. We don't want to shock you with that scary message so when our site sees a 404 error we simply transfer your request to this page which is more fun.
There are logical reasons for a 404 error to occur including the following:
- Bad URL - Maybe you entered into the URL area of your browser an sub-directory that just doesn't exist such as Because the sub-directory "whatsup" doesn't exist and because we don't want to lose you - this site detects the error and sends you here where you can first understand what happened and then with your mind at ease, use the Navigation Menu at the top of the page to find what you are looking for. Some of the Menu items have sub-directories that show up when you hover your mouse over them so look around if you don't immediately spot your area of interest. Its pretty easy to find the information you want using the standard Navigation Bar without ever having to type in sub-directories after
- Outdated External Link - Here's another reason you may be on this page. In December of 2015 the NAOI completely revamped our site. We upgraded everything! Yet there are other sites out there that still have links to our old site. Some of these links still work just fine because the same sub-directory exists on this new site as existed on the old one. But other links may try to send you to areas of the new site that no longer exist. But whenever and why ever this happens a 404 error occurs and you find yourself on this page.
In either case the information you are looking for is most likely still on this site, you just need to use the Navigation Menu at the top of this page to easily find it. Or look at the "Quick Links" at the bottom of this and every page (these are all submenu items brought to the surface for your convenient access.)
The New NAOI - Stick Around
If you have absolutely no idea how you got here that's perfectly fine too. You are on an extraordinary site that shows you new investment methods, new investment types, new investment education resources and a vision of the future of investing. Or, here's a great idea - just start with the Home page and explore from there. If you are interested in personal investing you are definitely on the right site regardless of the route you took.
So relax, enjoy our site and bookmark it! There is absolutely nothing wrong with your computer, your browser or our system.