Pre-Release Access to the NAOI White Paper
that Ushers In a Simpler, Safer and more Profitable World of Investing
Welcome to an invitation-only Web Page that gives a select group of investing professionals access to the 52-page White Paper shown at right.
The White Paper can be ordered in either digital (PDF) or Hard Copy format via links found at the bottom of this page.
This seminal investing document published by the market’s premier provider of investor education, the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI), describes an innovative approach to portfolio design and management that will change the way we invest at a fundamental level. This is an approach to investing meets the challenges of modern equity markets as well as the wants/needs of investors far better than the industry-standard methods used today.
Click the cover image at right to view the White Paper Table of Contents and brief overview each Section of the document.
What You Will Learn In the White Paper
In this White Paper you will learn how, by finally stepping outside of the MPT “box”, Dynamic Investments (DIs) usher in a simpler, safer and more profitable era of investing for both retail and corporate investors. You will also see how DIs enable investment advisors and financial organizations to easily, quickly and inexpensively expand their product-lines with high-return, low-risk investments by simply combining existing ETFs in the DI format. And you will learn why those that do so will own a massive competitive advantage in the very crowded field of financial services.
Why Change Is Needed
Founded in 1997, the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI) is the market’s leading supplier of comprehensive and objective investing education to the public. Thousand of individuals have taken our online courses, read our books and/or attended our college classes. As a result, we are a major influencer on how people invest today and the advisors they choose to work with.
As we teach individuals, they also teach us. And we know that far too many people who need investing income are not participating in the market today. And those who are in the market are investing far too conservatively. Why? Because they are not willing to subject their financial futures to the risks inherent in owning static, buy-and-hold MPT portfolios in modern volatile markets. The potential for significant losses, and the stress that this threat subjects them to, is just to great.
To enable investors to take full advantage of the wealth creation potential of equity markets this needs to change. With the release of this White Paper and the new approach to investing it describes, it has.
The Change Needed - Market-Sensitive Investments and Portfolios
To decrease the fear of investing that exists today, the NAOI has designed a new approach to investing called Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT). This theory sets the logic and the rules for the design and development of a a new investment type called Dynamic Investments (DIs) that are capable of automatically changing the ETFs they hold based on a periodic sampling of market trends. By doing so, DIs are “market-sensitive” and capable of producing returns significantly higher, in both Bear and Bull markets, then any mutual fund, ETF (including momentum-based ETFs) or MPT portfolio in existence today. Extensive testing has shown that annual returns of +15% and higher are common while losses in any one year are rare.
While standalone DIs can be used as total portfolios, as explained in the White Paper, the NAOI is not advocating that they replace MPT portfolios; they work quite well together.
When used building blocks in today’s MPT portfolios, DIs make them market-sensitive and both reduce their risk and boost their returns in all market conditions - both Bear and Bull . We call these “DI-enhanced” MPT portfolios Dynamic Portfolios (DPorts). Surveys of both individual investors and investing professionals tell us that, when released to the market by the NAOI, DPorts will become the investment type of choice for both equity buyers and sellers. And advisors that offer them will hold a major competitive advantage in the crowded field of financial services.
Proof of Concept The Returns of a Simple Dynamic Investment - Proof of Concept
Click the button below to see the amazing returns of the simplest possible Dynamic Investment for the period from 2008-2021.
A Sampling of the Major Benefits Provided by the Use of Dynamic Investments
The following list shows just a few of the many benefits that the use of Dynamic Investments enables. These are benefits that will change how investing works at a fundamental level.
Higher Returns with Lower Risk - Central to Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is that higher returns come only with higher risk. Dynamic Investment Theory show that this is not true. Annual DI returns of 15%+ are not uncommon while losses in any one year are rare; even in years when the stock market crashes.
The Use of FOUR Portfolio Diversification Elements - A major reason why Dynamic Portfolios (DPorts) are superior investment vehicles is that while MPT portfolios use two diversification elements - Company and Asset Class - DPorts take advantage of FOUR. These being the two used by MPT plus Time Diversity (by automatically changing the ETF held based on a periodic sampling of market price trends) and Management Method Diversity (by using both a buy-and-sell and a buy-and-hold management strategy). And while the MPT diversification elements reduce risk and reduce returns, the two new DI diversification elements reduce risk and increase returns!
The Easy Creation of a New, High-Return, Low Risk Investment Product Line. DIs are created by simply combining existing ETFs in the DI format as explained in the White Paper. Thus, advisors and and financial organizations can easily, quickly and with little expense develop a full product line of DIs for a full range of investing goals. By monetizing ETF combinations, DIs also multiply the value of existing ETF product lines exponentially.
The Creation of a “Universal Portfolio” - The world of investing today suffers from the lack of a universal portfolio that works for all individuals. Section 8 of the White Paper shows how the DIs enable the creation of one. This portfolio has the universal goal of maximizing returns while minimizing risk in all market conditions; no customization to match an investor’s risk tolerance is needed. For the period from 2008 - 2021 the NAOI Universal Portfolio earned an average annual return of +17%; a return far higher than virtually any MPT portfolio for the same time period. And these results were achieved with no human, subjective judgments involved - trades were signaled based on objective observations of market data by the Universal Portfolio’s built-in, automated trading plan.
The “Productization of Investing” - Dynamic Investments are the market’s first “comprehensive” investment type. The design of each DI specifies the ETF purchase “candidates” to work with (typically 3 to 5 ETFs). DIs also have a built-in trading plan that selects the ETF that the DI will hold at any one time based on which is trending up most strongly at a periodic review. Thus, once created, DIs can be treated as consumer products and sold “off-the-shelf” by a variety of vendors to investors who simply hold them for the long-term while the DI monitors the market and signals trades to take advantage of changing market conditions. Advisors can combine DIs to create Dynamic Portfolios that can also be treated as consumer products. Section 8 of the White Paper shows how.
Click the button below to see a more extensive list of benefits that the introduction of Dynamic Investments bring to the world of investing.
How DIs Uncover Massive Value that Exists in Current ETF Product Lines
An ETF product-line is a major asset of organizations that create and/or offer them. But the full value of this asset is not being realized due to the way investing works today. Click the button below to see how Dynamic Investments uncover massive value that is currently lying dormant in existing ETF product lines by “monetizing” ETF combinations.
Demand for Dynamic Investments and Portfolios Is Growing
The NAOI has been teaching the use of DIs and DPorts throughout our extensive education network for over three years and demand for DIs and DPorts is growing fast.
Students tell us that this is finally the approach to investing that will enable them to enter the market with confidence and without fear. It provides them with the returns they want and the protections they need. And they will search for advisors that offer it.
Demand for the use of DIs and DPorts will grow exponentially when the NAOI publishes the DI User’s Manual, shown at right. It will be offered in the NAOI Store (see this link) and also on Amazon where millions of current and potential investors will see it.
Investment professionals who read the NAOI White Paper that you now have access to will be prepared to capture this demand and to create more by marketing the unique benefits of DIs and DPorts in addition to their other competitive advantages.
More About the Creators of Dynamic Investments
Before going to an order page by clicking a link found just below on this page, it is important to understand how and why the publisher of the White Paper, the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI), and its author, Leland Hevner, are uniquely capable of creating a fundamental change to the way investing works today and taking this change “mainstream’ in the financial services industry.
About the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI)
As mentioned above the NAOI was founded in 1997 with the mission of teaching individuals how to invest. And we did quite well; thousands of individuals took our courses and/or attended our college classes. However, as time passed, we came to realize that teaching people how investing works today was not sufficient to make them successful investors. To meet this goal, NAOI founder and President, Leland Hevner, changed our mission statement from “teaching individuals how to invest” to “empowering individuals to become successful investors”. To meet this new goal Hevner began adding Corporate Divisions and capabilities as illustrated in our current organization chart shown below.
Following is a quick overview of the purpose of the four major NAOI Divisions shown above. The list shows how and why the NAOI does far more than simply teach people how investing works today. It empowers them to become successful investors.
Our Education Division is the market’s premier provider of objective and actionable education to the investing public today. We not only teach how investing works but how to invest with confidence and success.
Our Investor Market-Research Division surveys NAOI students to learn how the public views the world of investing and what they want and need from advisors to participate in it with confidence. We use this information to shape our education content. It also is used by our Consulting Division to show investment professionals how to attract more clients.
Our Research and Development Division uses student and market input to design new investment products and investing methods that will enable them to enter the market with confidence and without fear. The creation of Dynamic Investments is one example. New developments are included in our education content and also shared with our consulting clients as described next.
Our Consulting Division shows advisors and financial organization how to capture new clients based our unmatched knowledge of what the investing public wants/needs to enter the market with confidence. This knowledge, along with new products and methods developed by our R&D Division, give our consulting clients a massive competitive advantage in a very crowded field.
This unique organization structure has enabled the NAOI to become more than a leading provider of investor education. We are now the most effective investor empowerment organization in the market today. More information related to each NAOI Division is discussed at this link.
About the White Paper Author, Leland Hevner
Leland Hevner founded the NAOI in 1997 with the mission of empowering individuals to invest with confidence via objective education and the use of online resources. He is a strong advocate for the individual investor and believes that investment products and services must be developed based on the wants and needs of investors - both retail and corporate.
Hevner has written over a dozen books on the art and science of investing that can be viewed at this link. John Wiley & Sons is one of his publishers. He has been interviewed on virtually all financial TV networks (see picture at right) and quoted by such publications as the WSJ, US News and World Report, Barrons, Kiplinger and others. Hevner has also consulted with major financial organizations both domestic and international to assist them in created investing products and methods that are simpler, safer and more effective than the traditional products they offer today. By doing so, he shows advisors how to exponentially expand their client base and better serve existing clients.
Leland also leads the NAOI R&D team (see this link) that is tasked with identifying, designing and creating new investment products and methods that enable investors to enter the market with confidence, with success and without fear.
It Is Time for Action! - Ordering the NAOI White Paper
The NAOI White Paper can be ordered in two formats via the links provided just below.
<< Click Here to Order the White Paper in Downloadable PDF Format >>
<< Click Here to Order the White Paper in Hard Copy Format >>
On the Order Pages you will note that Leland Hevner is including a one-hour phone consultation with your purchase of the White Paper free-of-charge. During this call we can discuss any questions you have about Dynamic Investment Theory, Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios along with how you can use them to gain a massive competitive advantage in today’s crowded field of financial services. We can also discuss the advantages of an NAOI Strategic Partnership that will give your organization a massive competitive advantage in the market today.
Still Not Convinced? Let’s Talk.
As a member of the financial services industry for close to 30 years, I realize that fundamental change of the nature described in the White Paper will not be easily accepted by many in the financial services industry. If are skeptical about the value of ordering this White Paper, contact me a to schedule a phone call that will erase any doubt that Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios will soon challenge both standalone ETFs and Mutual Funds as the investment-of-choice for both equity buyers and sellers.