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Slide 11: Why Work with the NAOI?
There are plenty of consultants and companies that will gladly predict for you what the future of investing will look like and how you need to start preparing for it now. The problem is that many of these entities are simply think-tanks that projects visions of the future based on concepts that have little to do with solving the problems faced by today’s investors.
The NAOI is different. From over two decades of teaching and working with the investing public we know what average people with money to invest need to enter the market with confidence and without fear. Any fundamental advances in how investing works must enable the financial industry to meet these needs and by doing so provide significant benefits for both buyers and sellers in the future of investing.
The NAOI is uniquely positioned to advance the world of investing in the right direction. We have a deep understanding of the investing public based on 20+ years of working with and teaching individuals how to invest. This knowledge, in addition to our direct connection with, and ability to get feedback from, thousands of individual investors, is perhaps the NAOI’s greatest asset.
The Hyper-Effective NAOI Structure
The structure of the NAOI is designed specifically to define and implement a better future of investing. We do this by working with both investment buyers and investment sellers to create investing solutions that benefit eac. Our organization chart and information flows are shown in the following diagram.
The Components of Investing Evolution
Founded in 1997 by Leland Hevner, the original mission of the NAOI was to empower individuals to invest with confidence and success via objective education and the use of online resources. We also had the goal of consulting with financial organizations to show them how to create competitive advantages by working with the NAOI to add an education program to their offerings.
From the start we taught industry standard MPT-based portfolio design methods. In 2008, when the stock market crashed and MPT portfolios crashed with it the NAOI realized that more than education was needed to empower investors; also required was innovation. At that point we created a Research and Development department to find an alternative approach to MPT; one that worked better in modern volatile markets. As you read in this presentation we found it in the form of Dynamic investment Theory (DIT).
Education Division
This area of the company creates educational resources that we offer to individual investors. Consisting of media articles, published books, online classes, in-classroom college classes and the market’s only Individual Investor Certification Program, the NAOI is the market’s leading provider of objective investing education to the public.
The Education Division also solicits feedback from our students to get a better understanding of the problems they face in dealing with the world of investing today. Based on this input we are constantly changing our educational content. We also use this valuable information to provide more effective consulting services to the financial industry. Few, if any, organizations are more aware of the wants and needs of individual investors today; or more capable of affecting the change needed to meet them.
Research and Development Division
As mentioned above, in 2008-2009 when the stock market crashed, the NAOI realized that more than education was needed to meet our mission of empowering investors. Also needed was innovation. To meet this need we added a Research and Development Department in the NAOI with the goal of creating new, and fundamentally different and more effective investing products and methods. You read about how NAOI Research found and developed Dynamic Investment Theory and Dynamic Investments in this presentation. To develop new approaches to investing the NAOI first considers the wants and needs of the investing public and uses this as a starting point for a development process based on scientific methods and constant feedback loops. At the NAOI we pride ourselves in “thinking differently” in order to evolve the world of investing to a better place.
Publication Division
Meeting the NAOI mission of empowering investors requires a quality, professional communication resources. For this purpose we created the NAOI Publishing Division. This area of the company writes, edits and delivers both digital and document-based publications that include the following:
White Papers
Media Articles
Online Education Courses
Classroom Curricula
Published Books
Consulting Reports
For this purpose the NAOI devotes significant time and resources to ensuring that the way we present our education offerings along with our research efforts is second to none. Clarity of communication is key to accomplishing our mission.
Consulting Division
No other organization is as qualified as the NAOI in understanding what the investing public needs from the financial services industry. We know what advisors and financial organizations need to offer to investors to attract their business. We bring this information to sellers of financial services in the form of consulting activities (see Slide 12). Each consulting contract is customized to meet the needs of the organization with whom we work, but almost all include at least these information deliverables:
How to meet the needs of the investing public using innovative products and methods
How to gain market share and increase revenues
How to take a leadership role in the future of investing
We also learn from the financial organizations with whom we work. This information often finds its way into our education courses and the feedback loops expand and add to our effectiveness as we continually strive to find better ways to empower investors.
The NAOI: A Vertically Integrated, Investor-Empowerment Organization
Unique to the NAOI is that we work closely with both buyers and sellers in the investing world. We empower individual investors with education and innovation. And then we teach financial organizations how to create and sell what we teach investors to demand and buy. This is industry vertical integration at its most effective. And it is ONLY offered by the NAOI.
While other investing “futurists” talk about concepts, the NAOI delivers investing innovation that can be used today.