Welcome to a Web page shows a sampling of the benefits that the introduction of DIT methods and the DI investment type bring to both investment buyers and sellers.

The first list provided below shows how individual and corporate investors will benefit. The second list shows how investment advisors and financial organizations will benefit from this innovative approach to investing.

These and many other benefits are discussed in detail in the NAOI White Paper that you now have access to.

Benefits of Using DIs for Individual Investors

Below are listed some of the benefits that will be realized by investors who use Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios. Additional benefits and more details for each in this list are found the the NAOI white Paper that can be accessed at this link.

1. A Greatly Simplified Investment Product

DIs provide investors with a simple, logical approach to investing that people of all experience levels can understand without extensive financial education. The NAOI knows that investors are more likely to purchase investments that they understand and to work with advisors that offer them.

2. Higher Returns with Lower Risk

The DIT approach consistently provides users with higher returns and lower risk than the MPT portfolios they are given today. And they do so in both bull and bear markets. Returns of +20% per year are not uncommon and significant losses in any year are rare.

3. Protection from Market Dips and Crashes, Lowering the Stress of Investing

By avoiding or quickly selling equities that are trending down in price, DIs provide users with absolute protection from market crashes; dramatically lowering the stress level of investing in modern volatile markets. This benefit alone will bring tens of thousands of individuals into the market who are now on the sidelines in fear.

4. Removing the Human-Risk Element from Trade Decisions

DIs have a built-in, intelligent and automated trading plan that signals trades based on objective observations of market trends. By doing so they eliminate a massive area of risk related to trades based on subjective human judgments. “Fear and greed” are not factors in the trade signals generated by DIs.

5. DIs are Investment “Consumer Products”

Each Dynamic Investment can be seen as a portfolio “consumer product”. They specify the ETFs to work with and when/how they are to be traded based on objective observations of market data, And, because all DIs have the universal goal of maximizing returns and minimizing losses, no customization is needed to match the risk tolerance of each investor. Thus powerful DIs can be purchased “off-the-shelf” by investors from a variety of vendors and easily implemented and managed using an online broker if the individual wishes. Using DIT methods, investment developers will be able to easily create proprietary DIs that can be sold directly to the investing public.

Many more benefits for individuals are found in the NAOI White Paper.

Benefits of using DIs for Investing Professionals

The benefits of integrating DIT methods and the DI investment type into a financial organization’s product-line are staggering. The list below shows just a few. Each gives advisors and financial organizations a massive competitive advantage in a crowded market.

1. Gaining Competitive Advantage by Offering Better Investment Products

NAOI students tell us that they see little difference between the investment products offered to them by advisors and financial organizations today. A massive competitive will be held by those that include in their offerings Dynamic Investments that outperform traditional investments by a wide margin. It is not uncommon for DIs to average annual returns of 20%+ over an extended time period. This while traditional MPT portfolios, even in the most bullish markets, struggle to earn 7%-10% per year and with higher risk.

2. Enhancing the Performance of Existing MPT Portfolios

Dynamic Investments can easily be used as building blocks in the MPT-based portfolios that virtually all investors are given today. By doing so, they will both increase the portfolios performance and decrease its risk. Thus, the benefits of DIs can be realized by advisors without significant disruption to the MPT products they offer today. The NAOI calls MPT/DIT hybrid portfolios Dynamic Portfolios or DPorts.

3. Creating Dynamic Portfolios (DPorts) with 5 Diversification Elements

Today’s standard MPT portfolios use 2 diversification elements - namely Company and Asset-Class. In contrast, DPorts use 5 diversification elements. They include the two used by MPT plus the following three introduced by the use of Dynamic Investments:

  • Time Diversification - arising from the fact that DIs can automatically change the ETFs they hold based on a periodic sampling of market trends.

  • Management Method Diversification - arising from the fact that DPorts use both a buy-and-hold as well as a buy-and-sell methodology.

  • Purchase / Trade Decision Diversification - arising from the fact that in the MPT portfolio segment trade decisions are made based on subjective human judgments while in the DIT segment they are based on objective observations of market trend data.

The MPT diversification elements reduce risk but also reduce returns. The DIT diversification elements both reduce risk and enhance returns.

4. Making New Product Creation Significantly Easier and Less Costly

Creating new mutual funds and ETFs is a time-consuming and expensive process. In contrast, DIs are created by simply combining existing ETFs in the DI structure . By embracing this new approach, investment developers can easily double or triple the size of their product-line virtually overnight with a full range of superior products that will be much in demand by both institutional and public investors.

6. Monetizing ETF Combinations - Uncovering Hidden Value in Existing ETF Product Lines

DIs uncover massive value currently lying dormant in existing ETF product lines. The following example shows how, using the test period from 2008-2021:

  • Average Return for a Total Stock Market ETF: +11.0%

  • Average Return for a Total Bond Market ETF: +3.8%

  • Average Return for a DI that automatically rotates between these ETFs based on a quarterly review of the price trend of each: +16.8%

You can see that DIT methods create value by simply combining ETFs in the DI format. This “monetization of ETF combinations” will significantly increase the value of any existing ETF product line.

7. Enabling the Productization of Investing

Dynamic Investments have the goal of maximizing returns while minimizing risk in all economic conditions. This is a universal goal that works for all investors. In contrast, MPT portfolios must be customized to match the risk profile of each investor. As a result, portfolios created by DIT methods can be seen as consumer products that can be bought off-the-shelf from a variety of vendors and held for the long-term as their internal trading plan automatically signals trades to capture gains, wherever and whenever they exist in the market and to avoid or limit losses. The “productization of investing” is seen as the Holy Grail of the financial world that experts have been seeking for decades. They haven’t found it - the NAOI has; and now so have you.

8. Enabling the Creation of a Universal Portfolio

The Dynamic Portfolio illustrated by the diagram below is the market’s first Universal Portfolio “product'“ as no customization is needed. It can be profitably and safely used by investors of all risk levels. And it can be the only investment that an investor holds.


We call this configuration a “market-biased” portfolio. When Stocks are trending up it will hold 80% stocks and 20% bonds. When Stocks are trending down it will hold 70% bonds and 30% stocks. Extensive testing shows that the Universal Portfolio outperforms virtually any MPT portfolio over any 10-year period with lower risk. Annual returns of 20%+ are not uncommon and losses in any year, including years that include major crashes, are rare.

A Superior Retirement Plan Default Investment. In the future of investing the NAOI sees this Universal Portfolio serving as the investment of choice for all retirement accounts - replacing target-date funds as the dominant default investment. Financial organizations that offer it will dominate this multi-billion dollar industry.

Opening New Markets. The Universal Portfolio also opens new markets that are not well served by the financial services industry - including a massive market consisting of less-affluent individuals who are not even approached by financial advisors today. Simply recommending to this market the Universal Portfolio, without the need for customization, will enable advisors to give to these clients a powerful investment portfolio that produces higher returns than market averages and with exceptionally low risk. The revenue potential here is astounding.

9. Enabling Superior Investing Solutions

DIs can be used by investment advisors to add market-sensitivity to any portfolio that they are creating for their clients. The level of market sensitivity is set by the allocation of money to the DIT segment of the portfolio. In volatile markets, sensitivity can be “dialed-up” by increasing this allocation. In calmer markets it can be “dialed down” at the discretion of the advisor. This is just one of the powerful portfolio design tools that DIs provide. There are many others that enable the creation of investing solutions that are not possible today.

10. More Benefits

There are other benefits of using DIT and DIs. They are discussed in the NAOI White Paper.

More Than Just a “Good Idea”

DIT and DIs are more than just an interesting theory and “good idea”. The NAOI has been teaching the use of this approach throughout our extensive education system for 2+ years. Students who have learned about them and are using DIs in their investment portfolio tell us that this is finally the approach to investing that will enable them to enter the market with confidence and without fear; and they will search for advisors that offer it.

When this approach is released to the public, demand will grow fast. Advisors and financial organizations that read the White Paper mentioned just below, and take action based on what they learn, will be fully prepared to capture this demand and hold a major competitive advantage over those that remain stuck in the “MPT box”.

The NAOI White Paper

The information presented above is just a sampling of the benefits that result from the the introduction of DIT and DIs to the market. To learn how DIs work and how you can begin using them immediately read the NAOI White Paper that can be accessed at this link.

"the future of investing starts here" is a registered trade mark of Leland Hevner and the national association of online investors