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Welcome to the Dynamic Future of Investing
Hello. My name is Leland Hevner, President of the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI). Founded in 1997, the NAOI is a leading investor education and investing research organization.
I would like to welcome you to a brief slide presentation that shows how the NAOI changing the way investing works at a fundamental level. Change comes in the form of Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT), the first viable alternative approach to portfolio design since Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) - today’s standard approach - was introduced in 1952. You can navigate through this presentation by clicking on the arrows at the top of bottom of each page. A Index of the presentation is presented on the next page - click here to go to it now - but I suggest that you read the rest of this page first.
Why Change Is Needed
Equity markets have changed dramatically since the 1950’s when MPT was introduced as the standard for portfolio design. Yet MPT has barely changed at all and the portfolios that this theory creates can’t cope with modern markets. We saw this very clearly in 2008 when the stock market crashed and most MPT portfolios crashed with it.
At that point that the NAOI stopped teaching MPT methods and refocused our resources on research to find an updated approach to portfolio design and investing in general that thrives in today’s more volatile markets.
Introducing Dynamic Investment Theory
Following a multi-year research and development project we met our goal with the discovery of Dynamic Investment Theory and the new investment type it creates that we call Dynamic Investments (DIs). DIs are market-sensitive investments that automatically change the equities they hold based on a periodic sampling of market price trends. By doing so they are capable of producing returns that are significantly higher than almost any MPT portfolio during the same time period and with lower risk.
The Power of Dynamic Investments
To illustrate the effects of the power of Dynamic Investments, the Table below shows the performance of a traditional MPT portfolio holding both a Stock and a Bond Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) with the allocations shown and a Dynamic Investment, working with the same ETFs, during the eleven year period from 2008 to 2018. Shown for each investment type are Average Annual Returns along with the Sharpe Ratio which is a measure of how much return was gained for each unit of risk taken - and the higher the better.
You can see that the simple NAOI Core DI produced returns that today’s experts will tell you are not possible. And they are NOT possible using MPT methods. But using DIT methods, 20%+ annual returns are not uncommon.
What You Will Learn in the Presentation
On the following pages of this presentation you will learn why DIT is needed, how it works and the reasons why Dynamic Investments are able to significantly outperform today’s MPT portfolios in virtually any economic condition. Then you will learn how Dynamic Investments can be used today to produce higher investing returns with less risk and no active management required.
A Wise Investment
Whether you are an individual investor or a financial professional, devoting 20 minutes to reading the pages that follow in this presentation can be among the best investments you will ever make. Change in coming fast to the investing industry and those who learn about it first will benefit the most.
Click the arrow below to get started. And consider joining the NAOI Updates Email List at the bottom of any page on this site to be informed when new developments and/or DI applications are released.