Estimating the Return-On-Investment (ROI)
of Purchasing and Reading the NAOI White Paper
The NAOI has placed a modest charge on accessing the White Paper entitled “Introducing Dynamic Investments and Market-Sensitive Portfolios”. The information provided below shows why this price is insignificant when compared to the benefits of reading this document and taking action based on its contents. Financial organizations regularly pay tens of thousands of dollars to consultants for information that is far less valuable than the information you will find in the NAOI White Paper.
Elements of a White Paper Purchase Return-on-Investment (ROI) Analysis
The NAOI White Paper describes a fundamentally new investment type called Dynamic Investments (DIs) that enables a superior approach to portfolio design and management; one that better meets the challenges of current market conditions and the wants and needs of investors. Readers of this document will have the knowledge and tools needed to take full advantage of the benefits provided by the use of DIs after finishing the last Section. Listed below are just a few examples of increased revenues, cost savings and value added related to the use of Dynamic Investments.
1. Easy Creation of a Superior Investment Product Line - Dynamic Investments and Portfolios are easily created by simply combining existing ETFs in the DI Format. You will learn how in the White Paper. And each well-designed DI will provide performance that any stand-alone ETF, mutual fund or MPT-based portfolio can’t touch. The value of a DI-based product line will be immense.
2. Bypass the Cost, Time and Effort of Creating New Investments - The creation of DIs bypasses the maze of regulations required for the creation and sale of mutual funds and ETFs. And they require very little time or cost to create as discussed in the White Paper. In contrast, bringing a mutual fund or ETF to market can cost well in excess of $100,000 and take months to get approval.
3. Expand Your Client Base Exponentially - To create DIs the NAOI asked the investing public what they wanted and needed to enter the market with confidence and without fear. Their goals are listed in Section 2 of the White Paper. MPT meet none of these goals DIs meet ALL of them. By including DIs in your product line you will attract new clients in large numbers - the value of which is off-the-charts high.
4. Exploit the Full Value of Your ETF Product Line - DIs monetize ETF combinations. You will read how in the White Paper. By doing so they uncover massive value that is currently lying dormant in an existing product line. For example, a product-line of 10 ETFs can spawn a product-line of 100+ Dynamic Investments, each of which will produce returns superior to any of the standalone ETFs used. A DI product-line, when designed correctly, will produce higher returns, attract more clients and add significant value to an organization’s balance sheet.
5. Dynamic Investment Design Licensing and/or Sale - The field of DI creation, for a full spectrum of investing goals, is wide-open. If you are first-to-market with a DI designs that consistently produce higher returns with lower risk than standalone ETFs or Mutual Funds, you will be able to license them to other financial organizations and advisors as well as sell them directly to the investing public.
6. Enhance the Performance of Existing MPT-Portfolios - As described in the White Paper, it is not the intent of the NAOI to replace MPT portfolios with Dynamic Investments, they work quite well together. Adding one or more DIs to a traditional MPT portfolio will both reduce its risk and enhance its returns. Thus, DIs will increase the sales of the MPT portfolios you currently offer.
7. Opening New Markets - The White Paper shows how Dynamic Investment Theory provides the tools needed for the “productization of investing”, the Holy Grail of the financial world. Today’s experts haven’t found it, the NAOI has. As you will learn in the White Paper, DIs have a universal goal of maximizing returns while minimizing risk in all economic conditions. And trades are automatically signaled by a built-in trading plan. Thus no customization for each is needed and management can be easily automated. In other words, they are portfolio products that can be sold directly to the investing public - opening a massive new market that is not being well served by the financial world today.
8. Dominate the Retirement Investing Field - Most NAOI students are investing in tax-advantaged retirement accounts. And they are not happy. They are offered MPT-based, buy-and-hold portfolios that are either filled with stocks and thus dangerously vulnerable to market crashes, or filled with Bonds and earn next to nothing. And for host of reasons the public views target-date funds, today’s “default” retirement account investment, as being totally unacceptable. In Section 8 of the White Paper you will learn about the NAOI Universal Portfolio that is the a far better“default” investment for retirement accounts - providing both high returns and low risk. Any organization that offers it will dominate this multi-billion dollar market.
9. Obtain a Massive Competitive Advantage in a Crowded Field - Based on input from hundreds of individual investors who are NAOI students, we know that to most people all major financial organizations look alike. They all seem to offer the same MPT-based portfolios, products and services. None have an obvious competitive advantage. With the introduction of Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios, this is about to change. Financial advisors and organizations that offer this innovative approach will own a clear and obvious competitive advantage over those that remain stuck in the “MPT box”. And demand for it is growing faster than you may think.
ROI Summary
Any one of the above ROI points will cover the cost of the NAOI White Paper a thousand times over. And these are just a few examples.