Meeting the needs of the investing public

Helping Financial organizations to attract more clients

A massive knowledge gap exists today between investment buyers and sellers. NAOI students tell us that the world of investing is so complex that they see little option but to simply accept the portfolios they are given by advisors, who are also salespeople, and hope for the best. This is unacceptable.

The NAOI is closing this gap by teaching individuals how investing works and designing new products that better meet their needs. We are also teaching financial advisors and organizations how to create products that will attract more clients.

This page provides an overview of the NAOI organization chart and how we are meeting the goal of closing the gap that is keeping too many potential investors out of the market and causing financial organizations to not reach meet their full sales potential.

The mission of the NAOI is to empower individuals to invest with confidence and success and to enable the financial services industry to realize the full sales potential of the market by offering investing products and wealth solutions that will attract far more clients than by offering only MPT portfolios as they do today.

Working with both Investment Buyers and Sellers

To meet this goal we work with both investment buyers (both retail and corporate) and investment sellers (advisors and product developers) in order to bridge a tremendous knowledge gap that currently is keeping many investors out of the market and thus not allowing the financial services industry to realize the full sales potential of the market.

The current NAOI organization also enables us to provide an incubator that combines input from investors and financial professionals to create new products, new methods and new investing solutions that meet the needs of both. The creation of Dynamic Investments and Market-Sensitive portfolios is one example.

The NAOI organization chart presented below shows the variety Divisions and information flow between these divisions that enable us to meet the goals of our mission statement. Just below the chart a description of the function of the major Divisions is presented.

The Current NAOI Organization Chart


The NAOI Divisions and Information Flows

  • Education Division. To provide individuals with all of the information and tools needed to become successful investors - not just teaching them how investing works today.

  • Investor Market Research Division. To learn from students and the public in general how they view the world of investing, how they make investing choices, how they choose advisors and what they want and need from the financial services industry to enter the market with confidence and without fear.

  • Investing Product Research and Development Division. To use the information from our Market Research Division to create new investment types and methods that better cope with modern markets and better meet the wants/needs of investors.

  • Consulting/Advising Division. To consult/work with advisors and financial organizations to enable them to attract more clients using our unmatched knowledge of the wants/needs of the investing public and institutional investors.

  • Partnership Division. The NAOI offers Partnership opportunities to financial organizations that would like to work with us to create superior investing products using our unique knowledge and development platforms.

  • Marketing Division. The NAOI Marketing Division is capable of reaching thousands of individuals who have taken our education courses, read our books and/or attended our college classes and millions more who see our books on We also have direct connections with all of the major financial news outlets. NAOI President, Leland Hevner has appeared on the major TV business channels, been quoted by the WSJ, Barrons, Kiplinger and US News and World Report, to name a few, and he is a contributing author to the NASDAQ Web site.

This unique organization structure has enabled the NAOI to become more than a leading provider of investor education. We are now the most effective investor empowerment organization in the market today. More information related to each NAOI Division is discussed at this link.

“The Future of investing starts here” is a registered service market of Leland Hevner and the NAOI