An Overview of the
NAOI Organization and Information Flows
The diagram below shows how the NAOI is uniquely positioned to change how investing works at a fundamental level by working with both investment buyers and sellers to meet the goals of both.
How Information Flows Between the NAOI and Investment Buyers/Sellers
This diagram illustrates how information flows between the NAOI, investors and investment developers/sellers. An explanation of each flow is presented below the diagram with reference to the circled number close to each arrow.
1 - Education / Innovation - The NAOI is the market’s leading provider of comprehensive and objective investing education to the public. Thousands of individuals have taken our online courses, read our books and/or attended our college classes.
2.- Investor Market-Research - As we teach our students, they also teach us. As a result, the NAOI has an unmatched knowledge of how investors make investment decisions today and how they choose advisors to work with. We also know what they want/need from the financial services industry to enter the market with confidence and without fear. This is information we use to create our education programs and that we share with our consulting clients.
3. NAOI Consulting - Based on our knowledge of the investing public, the NAOI shows our consulting clients the types of products, services and even marketing materials that they need to offer in order to attract more clients. We also show our clients how to create the innovative products needed to meet this goal. Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios, that you will read about in the NAOI Research Report, is one example.
4. Monitoring Current Products/Services - The NAOI constantly monitors the field of financial services. When we find new products and/or services that will enhance the investing experience and returns of our students, we include them in our education content along with references to the financial organization(s) that offer them. We will refer advisors/financial organizations that offer Dynamic Investments to our students.
5. Superior Investment Products and Investing Solutions - The NAOI enables our consulting clients to offer to the public superior investment products and wealth solutions to the market. The products/services that we recommend give them a significant competitive advantage in the crowded field of financial services today. These are products that the NAOI knows people will buy.
6. A More Effective Investor/Advisor Interaction - NAOI students are taught to not simply accept portfolios recommended by advisors without question. They know the problems of owning MPT portfolios as discussed on the” Invitation” page of this site. They know how to use online resources to analyze the portfolios they are offered. And they will ask about the use of Dynamic Investments. Our students typically interview 3 or more advisors before selecting one to work with. NAOI consulting teaches investors the questions to ask and shows advisors how to answer them in order to attract their business.
It is for these reasons and others that the NAOI is uniquely capable of fundamentally changing how investing works today and taking this change “mainstream” in the financial world.
The NAOI Organization Chart
The current NAOI organization chart is presented below. It shows how the NAOI has grown and evolved over the course of the past 20+ years to meet the goals of our empowering both investment buyers and sellers to maximize their returns/revenues. We have come a long way from offering a simple personal investing course in 1997.
For more information about the function of each NAOI Department click this link.