
With the introduction of NAOI Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT) and the new Dynamic Investments (DIs) that theory creates, the world of investing is about to change at a fundamental level. Financial organizations that learn how to take advantage of these changes will have a tremendous competitive advantage in the future of investing. Giving your organization this advantage is the purpose of an NAOI Consulting Contract as discussed on this page.

The use of DIs will have an effect on virtually every area of investing. They can "boost" the returns of existing MPT portfolios. They provide the world of 401k and other retirement plans with far more effective investment options including a superior "default" investment. They unlock the value of existing ETF product lines that is currently lying dormant. They provide portfolio managers with a new set of tools for meeting the goals of clients. They open a vast new field of development for investment creators. And so much more.

All of these benefits can be realized by an organization who works with the NAOI via a Consulting Contract that is discussed on this page. 

Who Should Consider Dynamic Investment Consulting?

Dynamic Investment Theory and Dynamic Investments change virtually all areas of the investing world. They represent a fundamentally better approach to investing; one that is simpler and provides higher returns with less risk. As such, all financial organizations will gain a major competitive advantage by using them. A list of applications that will benefit greatly from an NAOI consulting arrangement is found at this site.

Dynamic Investment Consulting Contract Deliverables 

Each NAOI consulting contract is customized to meet the unique goals of our clients. Listed below are just a few of the deliverables available to NAOI consulting clients. Choose just a few or all for your contract. Or create other deliverables that are unique to your unique operations and strategic goals.

1. A Catalog of Powerful Dynamic Investments. The NAOI has developed a product line of optimal Dynamic Investments for a variety of goals. These can be used immediately by our consulting clients. One such DI is referenced on the DI At A Glance page.

2 Training on how to Create Optimal Dynamic Investments for any Goal. There are an unlimited number of DIs that can be created and for an unlimited number of goals. You tell us your goals and we will show you how to develop optimal Dynamic Investments that meet them. 

3. Training on how to use DIs to Increase Sales of Existing Portfolio Products. All organizations that create and sell portfolios and/or sell portfolio advice will be able to significantly increase the performance of these products immediately by adding DIs to them. If you design portfolios using MPT asset-allocation methods you can boost performance by treating a Dynamic Investment as simply another asset class and assigning an allocation of money to it. You will be amazed at how the returns of these portfolios will go up while the risk goes down! 

4. Training on how to use DIs to increase the Sale of ETF Products. If your organization sells ETFs you can boost the sales of virtually all of them, even those that are about to die on the vine, by placing them in the Dynamic ETF Pool (DEP) of a Dynamic Investment. In a DEP, each ETF is only bought by the DI when it is trending up more strongly than others in the DEP and is sold when its price starts to deteriorate. The Dynamic Investment structure gives life to ETFs that are too volatile to put in a buy-and-hold, MPT portfolio. We will show you how.

5. Training on how to Unlock Hidden Value in An ETF Product Line. If you have an ETF product line today you are almost certainly not taking full advantage of its full value potential. There is significant value in combining existing ETFs in the Dynamic ETF Pool of a Dynamic Investment. This is value that is not currently being exploited and it is massive. We will show you how the value of your ETF product line can be doubled or tripled virtually overnight minimal cost and effort. Certainly the uncovering of this "hidden" value will pay for the NAOI consulting contract many times over!

6. Training on how to Dominate the 401(k), TSP and and other Retirement Plan Markets. A large percentage of the public interacts with the world of investing primarily through employer sponsored retirement plans such as 401(k) or Thrift Savings Plans (TSPs). Most NAOI students that we speak with are not happy with these plans citing lack of quality education, limited investment selections, poor performance of "default" investments such as target-date funds and high expenses. Dynamic Investments solve all of the problems and are the perfect investment type for these plans. As you can read on this site, even the simplest DI produced 20%+ average annual returns during the decade from 2007 to 2016 with minimal risk. And, of course, no short-term capital gains taxes apply in these plans so periodic trading is not penalized by the tax code. The organization that offers DIs to the trillion dollar retirement plan market will dominate it. Click here for more information.

7. Training on how to Open New Areas of Research and Development. Investment research today is growing stale. Too much time and effort is spent on developing ever more exotic Mutual Funds and ETFs that the public has no interest in. Dynamic Investment Theory opens the doors to a wide field of new and original research not constrained by MPT rules. DIT sets the rules for true advancements in the field of investing - not the sideways developments that are the focus of too much time and effort today. The organization that learns how to design NAOI Dynamic Investments will lead the industry into the future of investing with a host of new, unique and powerful products that create a tremendous competitive advantage.

8. Training on how to Create a Transition Plan into the Future of Investing. DIT is a fundamentally new way of investing. It can enhance MPT portfolios but it can also replace them. Such a fundamental change will not happen overnight. The NAOI can show your organization how to create a transition plan to the dynamic future of investing that will minimize disruption to current operations through the use of a variety of "hybrid" MPT/DIT portfolio products that the NAOI has developed. Change is coming to the world of investing but it does not need to be feared by organizations that work with the NAOI to prepare for it.

9. Training on how to Market DIs to the Public. The NAOI has "field-tested" the use of Dynamic Investments for over three years, working with NAOI personal investing course students willing to make the leap to the future of investing. Without exception they are "hooked." None will now go back to owning just MPT-based portfolios. They will only use portfolios that contain at least one NAOI Dynamic Investment. Based on this input the NAOI can show you how to capture massive new market share via a marketing campaign that gives individuals the confidence to enter, or reenter, the world of investing without fear; and with excitement.

10. Training and Materials for Educating the Public. Key to the success of a DI product line is educating the public and professional clients on how and why they work. The NAOI offers a complete education package that will bring potential buyers on-board the Dynamic Investment train quickly and effectively. The NAOI is the market's premier provider of objective investing education to the public and has been since 1997. We know how to teach! NAOI consulting clients will take full advantage of our education expertise by offering our courses to their clients or creating their own with NAOI assistance.

The NAOI provides more than just Dynamic Investment products to our consulting clients. We provide complete, customized DI investing solutions!