A Sampling of Dynamic Investment Benefits
You have seen that Dynamic Investments give investors higher returns with lower risk in all market conditions -Bear and Bull. But there are other benefits of using DIs that are equally valuable for both investment buyers and sellers. Listed below are just a few of the top benefits of using Dynamic Investments. The NAOI Research Report shows more.
1. A Greatly Simplified Investment Product
DIs are a simple, transparent and logical investment type that people of all experience levels can understand the benefits of owning without extensive financial education. This is a major selling point as the NAOI knows that individuals are more likely to invest in investment products that they understand.
2. Higher Returns with Lower Risk
By being market-sensitive, DIs consistently produce higher returns with lower risk than any investment type currently being offered. And they do so in all economic and market conditions - Bear and Bull - with no active management required.
3. Stronger Protection from Significant Portfolio Losses
DIs are designed to hold only uptrending ETFs while avoiding, or quickly selling, ETFs that are trending down. This approach provides users with far stronger protection from market corrections and crashes than MPT portfolios that have no sensitivity to market trends. This benefit alone will bring thousands of individuals, who are now on the sidelines in fear of the risks related to holding static MPT portfolios, into the market as clients of advisors that offer them.
4. Objective Trade Signals
DIs have a built-in trading system that signals trades based on objective observations of equity-index trend data. By doing so they eliminate the significant risks related to subjective human judgments that are used for this purpose today.
5. Automated Trades
The DI built-in trading system can easily be automated, eliminating the need for active management. As a result, investors can simply buy and hold DIs, confident that they are constantly monitoring the market and signaling the trades needed to capture gains and to avoid losses.
6. Ease of Creation
DIs are easily created by simply combining existing ETFs in the DI format, thus bypassing the significant time, effort and expense required for the creation of new ETFs or mutual funds. In fact, a powerful product line of DIs for a full range of investing goals can be created virtually overnight. The NAOI Research Report shows how. And the NAOI stands ready to assist in this effort via a cooperative agreement as discussed in the NAOI Research Report.
7. Uncovering Value Currently Lying Dormant in Existing ETF Product Lines
By monetizing combinations of existing ETFs the size and value of a current ETF product line can be significantly increased with minimal time, effort or expense required.
8. MPT Portfolio Enhancement
While a single DI can be used as a complete portfolio, the NAOI is NOT recommending that MPT portfolios go away. The two approaches work quite well together. When used as building blocks in MPT portfolios, DIs both increase their returns and lower their risk. Used in this manner, advisors can immediately begin taking advantage of DI benefits without significant disruption to current activities.
9. The Use of Additional Diversification Elements
DI-enhanced MPT portfolios (i.e. Dynamic Portfolios) take advantage of FIVE diversification elements, and more are possible. MPT portfolios use only two. And while MPT diversification elements both lower risk and lower returns, the diversification elements added by the use of DIs both lower risk and INCREASE returns.
10. Creating Superior Wealth Creation Solutions
DIs give to investment advisors and portfolio designers the tools needed to create a vast array of superior investing and wealth-creation solutions that are simply not possible today. And advisors that offer them will hold a major competitive advantage over those who cling to the 1950s-era MPT-based methods in universal use today.
11. Opening a Vast and Virgin World of Investing Research and Superior Investing Solutions
By finally stepping outside of the “MPT box” and thinking differently about how portfolios can be more effectively designed and managed, DIs open the door to a vast and virgin world of new investment research. As just one example, DIs provide to the market a new measure for investment risk that is far more useful than the “volatility” measure used today. The NAOI calls this new and exciting field of study “Portfolio Design Science” and we are currently teaching its use to both our students and to our consulting clients.
12. The Creation of a Universal Portfolio and Opening New Markets
DIs enable the creation of a simple but powerful “Universal Portfolio” that has as its goal maximizing returns while minimizing risk in all economic conditions. This is a goal that works for all investors regardless of their risk tolerance. As a result, no customization for each investor in needed. Testing of the Universal Portfolio shows that it outperforms virtually any MPT portfolio being offered today.
The NAOI Universal Portfolio is the perfect default investment for 401k and other retirement plans as it produces far higher returns with lower risk than the increasingly outdated Target Date Funds used for this purpose today. Advisors that offer it can dominate this multi-billion dollar market.
The NAOI Universal Portfolio can be recommended by advisors to less affluent investors, opening a huge market that is severely under-served today.
The NAOI Research Report shows readers how to easily create, manage and profit from offering the NAOI Universal Portfolio.
13. The Productization of Investing
DIs can be viewed and treated as the market’s first investing “products” for several reasons. They have a universal goal of maximizing returns while minimizing risk in all economic conditions. Thus no customization for each investor is needed. They also have a built in trading system that signals trades based on a periodic sampling of market trends - so no active management is required. As a result they can be bought “off-the-shelf” from a variety of vendors.
The “Productization of Investing” is the Holy Grail of the investing world that experts have been seeking for decades. They haven’t found it. The NAOI Research Report shows that the NAOI has. This development will change how investing works at a fundamental level. And those that learn about it first will benefit the most.
Gaining Competitive Advantage
The above partial list of Dynamic Investment benefits, and others discussed in the NAOI Research Report, give investment advisors and financial organizations that include DIs in their product line a significant competitive advantage over those that remain stuck in the “MPT box”.