The Dynamic Investment Structure
Based on 20+ years of teaching individuals how to invest and, at the same time, learning what they want and need to enter the market with confidence and without fear, the NAOI has created a unique investment type called Dynamic Investments (DIs). DIs are designed to automatically change the ETF(s) they hold based on a periodic sampling of market price trends.
Market price trends have been used by hedge funds for decades to produce out-sized returns for their holders. But their use has been viewed as being too risky for the average investor. The is no longer the case.
The NAOI has developed an automated DI management process that uses price trends in a simple, safe and very profitable manner. This process makes DIs “market-sensitive” and capable of producing returns that MPT portfolios can’t touch, with significantly lower risk and no active management required.
The diagram below shows the components of all Dynamic Investments. Each is a variable defined by the DI designer as explained in the White Paper that you now have access to. The function of each component is described below the diagram.
The DI Components
Dynamic ETF Pool (DEP) - This is where the designer places a group of ETF purchase “candidates” representing areas of the market where the DI will search for uptrending markets. Typically at least two will track assets that are uncorrelated e.g. Stocks and Bonds
DEP Review Period - This is how often the DI reviews the ETFs in the DEP to determine the one trending up most strongly. This is the ETF purchased by the DI, or held if already owned. “Quarterly” is a common Review Period value.
ETF Price Trend Indicator - This is the technical indicator that is used by the DI to measure the direction and the strength of the price trend for each ETF in the DEP at a Review event. It also distinguishes between market price “dips” and market price “trend reversals”.
A Trailing Stop Loss Order (TSL) - A TSL is placed on all ETFs held by the DI to stop significant losses during the short time the ETF is held between Reviews.
In the White Paper you will be shown a set of values for each of these components that produce simple, but very profitable, Dynamic Investments. And you will learn how to design DIs for a variety of investment goals on your own. The NAOI offers DI-Design classes that show you how to create DIs that meet your specific needs.
Simplifying the World of Investing
You can see that the structure of Dynamic Investments is incredibly simple. It is very easy and inexpensive to create an entire product line of powerful DIs for a full range of investing goals. The NAOI believes that in the future of investing DIs will become the investment of choice for portfolio designers.