In addition to teaching your organization how Dynamic Investments (DIs) and Dynamic Portfolios work, we show how they can be applied in a variety of specific applications. We do so via NAOI Consulting Agreements and NAOI Partnerships.
Among these application areas are the following:
For ETF Developers
ETF Developers will benefit more than most from the introduction of DIs. Via a consulting agreement the NAOI will show you how to combine existing ETFs in the DI structure in order to create a complete new product line of powerful DIs that will outperform any standalone ETF that you currently offer. And this can be done with minimal cost, time and effort. By monetizing ETF combinations, massive value is uncovered that is now lying dormant in existing ETF product lines.
For Portfolio Designers
Via a consulting agreement we show designers how to easily create Dynamic Portfolios that produce significantly higher returns with lower risk than the MPT portfolios they are creating today. Instead of trying to identify single equities to place in a portfolio, NAOI-trained Portfolio Designers identify groups of ETF candidates for purchase and then let the market decide which to buy based on a periodic sampling of the price trends of each. At this link you saw the significantly higher performance of this approach. DIT methods lower the probability of a Portfolio Designer making bad equity purchase decisions; a major risk element that investors must deal with today.
For Portfolio Managers
Via a consulting agreement the NAOI teaches Portfolio Managers the simple process of reviewing DIs on a periodic basis to determine which ETF in the DEP to purchase (or hold) based on the price trends of each. These decisions are made based on observations of market data, making the manager’s job exponentially simpler than it is today. Plus, using DIT methods, portfolio managers don’t need to deal the difficult question of when or how to rebalance a portfolio – it’s all automatic.
For Market Analysts
Via a consulting agreement the NAOI shows Market Analysts how they can safely recommend investments in promising, but risky, areas of the market. An ETF tracking a volatile sector/industry can be placed in the DEP of a DI along with a Stock and a Bond Index ETF. This risky ETF will then be purchased only when/if it is trending up in price more strongly than either of the two major asset classes. Thus, the use of DIs enables Market Analysts to be more aggressive in mining the returns potential in sectors without excessive risk.
For Financial Advisors
Financial advisors help investors create wealth in two ways. The first is via financial planning that includes discussing with clients topics such as budgeting, saving, tax planning, wills, trusts, etc. The second is via building an investment portfolio. An NAOI consulting agreement shows financial advisors how to quickly and easily create high-return, low-risk portfolios using Dynamic Investments as discussed at this link. This frees up advisor time for helping clients with financial planning; an area of financial health that is not given the attention it deserves today. More time spent here will be a major competitive advantage for any advisor.
For Online Brokers
Today only a small fraction of individual investors use online brokers to trade equities. DIT and the use of DIs empower individuals to invest on their own, if they wish, and they will use an online broker for this purpose. The NAOI DI User’s Manual gives investors the simple, step-by-step instructions for doing so. DIs open a vast new market for online brokers and investors will flock to any online broker that automates the DI Review process. An NAOI consulting agreement can make this happen quickly and cost-effectively. Plus, we will refer our students to DI-friendly brokers.
For 401(k) Plan Providers and Buyers
At this link you can read how the NAOI “Universal Portfolio” is the ideal default investment for 401k Plan providers and participants. It does not need to be customized to meet investor risk levels. It has the universal goal of producing high returns with low risk by automatically changing its asset allocation to favor either Stocks or Bonds depending on which is trending up most strongly at a DI Review event. This is a far better default investment than target-date funds by any measure. Plus, frequent trading does not incur short-term capital gains taxes. We can show providers of 401(k) Plans how to capture a significant share of this market. And we can teach HR departments how to demand from DIs from sellers in order to provide their employees with higher return, lower risk portfolios.
For Corporate Strategists
All financial organizations must plan their product offerings for at least 5 years in the future. Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios must be a part of this plan. Via a consulting agreement the NAOI shows our Strategic Partners how to include DIs and DPorts into their plans in a manner that will increase revenues, capture additional market share and gain massive competitive advantage. And we will show how DIs can be offered without disrupting current operations.
For Academia
DIT uses a set of repeatable rules for the design and management of DIs. And they use objective observations of price data to make trade decisions. Thus, DIT is “teachable” whereas MPT methods that rely on subjective human decisions are not. The NAOI has developed a complete curriculum for teaching DIT methods that we make available to academic institutions. Via a consulting agreement we can enable academia to provide the investing education that students desperately want and need.
The ROI of an NAOI Consulting Agreement and or a Partnership in any of these areas will be off the charts high. We guarantee it.
Let’s Talk
Feel free to contact me, Leland Hevner, with any questions related to any of these DI applications or others at or via LinkedIn.
“the future of investing starts here” is a registered trademark of Leland hevner and the naoi