How to Gain a Massive Competitive Edge
in the Crowded Field of Financial Services
NAOI students who are searching for a financial advisor/organization to work with tell us that they all look alike. Each seems to offer the same types of investment products and services. As a result, their financial advisor selection is typically made based on the advice of friends and family or completely at random. To the investing public, no financial organization has a significant competitive advantage today.
Via a Consulting Contract, the NAOI gives your organization the competitive advantage needed to stand out in a crowded field and attract far more clients than you do today.
Below are listed the top benefits that the investing public wants from the financial services industry. For each we show how an NAOI consulting agreement will enable you to offer them.
Consulting Area 1: Investor Education
As you have read on this site, and in more detail at this link, the NAOI is the premier supplier of comprehensive and actionable investor education to the public today. We own an unmatched investing knowledge-base that enables us to quickly create general investor education courses as well as education related to our client’s specific organization.
The investing public tells us that education is one of the TOP benefits that would cause them to choose your organization over competitors.
But not just any education format will win their business. Again, our research has shown us what they want. As opposed to Web “Help” pages, extensive surveys have shown us that the ideal format that would attract their attention the most would have these characteristics:
A hard-copy book - one that they can take anywhere and read comfortably on a plane, in a coffee shop or at home on their sofa
A paper size of 8.5”x 11” with double spaced lines with pictures / screenshots integrate into the content
Comb-Binding for easy lay-flat reading
A length of 30-50 pages - less than 30 pages of content is seen as a “brochure” more that 50 pages is seen as just another investing “book”.
Below are two example investor education course books that we can create quickly and inexpensively. The one on the left provides your clients with a primer on how investing works and how to use NAOI calculators to generate a financial plan. The cover on the right illustrates how we can work together to create a book that teaches clients how to use your specific products and services as well as the unique benefits they provide.
click to expand
Via a consulting effort the NAOI will work with you to create and offer a unique education strategy. By doing so your organization will gain a “trust” factor that is missing in the industry today. And this is a significant competitive advantage in an industry where studies have shown that a very low percentage of clients trust their financial advisors. Refer to the CFA Institute’s report on this topic found at this link.
Consulting Area 2: New Product Development
The Investing world has just changed
This Web site introduces a new approach to investing in the form of Dynamic Investment Theory (DIT) and Dynamic Investments (DIs) that will enable your organization to offer investment products that provide higher returns with lower risk than those offered by your competitors.
With this type of consulting agreement, the NAOI will first provide to your organization an in-depth education related to DIT and DIs. Then we will work with your organization to develop DIT-based products and applications that will enable the creation of innovative wealth creation solutions that are far superior to those being offered by your competitors. The following list provides examples of what the NAOI can deliver in this area.
Example Benefits of a Dynamic Investing Consulting Agreement
Depending on the products and services that your organization offers, a DI Consulting Contract can deliver one or more of the following benefits:
1. A Catalog of Powerful Dynamic Investments. The NAOI has developed a product line of optimal Dynamic Investments for a variety of investing goals that you can offer immediately to your clients. If your organization is a creator or vendor of ETFs, we will create a catalog of optimized DIs and Dynamic Portfolios that use YOUR ETFs, and by doing so increase sales of these ETFs immediately and dramatically.
2. Training on how to Create Optimal Dynamic Investments for any Goal. There are an unlimited number of DIs that can be created for an unlimited number of goals. You tell us your goals and we will show you how to develop optimized and proprietary Dynamic Investments that meet them.
3. How to use DIs to Increase Sales of Existing MPT-based Portfolio Products. All organizations that create and recommend MPT-based portfolios to their clients will be able to significantly increase their performance by adding Dynamic Investment building blocks to them. These dynamic building blocks can boost performance significantly while actually reducing risk. Go to this link to read about NAOI Dynamic Portfolios.
4. Expanding Your Product Line Virtually Overnight. Creating DIs is simple, quick and inexpensive. To do so an organization simply combines existing ETFs into the Dynamic Investment structure. As a result a new product line of superior products can be created virtually overnight. And the DIs in this new product line will provide higher returns with lower risk than any standalone ETF you currently offer. An NAOI consulting agreement shows you how.
5. Unlocking Hidden Value in an Existing ETF Product Line. If you own an ETF product line you are almost certainly not taking advantage of its full revenue generation potential. The design of Dynamic Investments monetizes ETF combinations. This is value that is not currently being exploited by selling standalone ETFs; and it is massive. We can show you how to double or triple the value of your ETF product line quickly with minimal cost, time and effort. Certainly the uncovering of this "hidden" value will pay for an NAOI consulting contract many times over!
6. Showing You How to Dominate the 401(k), TSP and and other Retirement Plan Markets. A large percentage of the public interacts with the world of investing primarily through employer sponsored retirement plans such as 401(k) or Thrift Savings Plans (TSPs). At the NAOI, we find that most students are not happy with the retirement plans they currently own citing lack of quality education, limited investment selections, poor performance, and the unacceptable nature of "default" investments such as target-date funds. Dynamic Investments solve all of these problems. As you can read on this site, even the simplest DI produced 20%+ average annual returns from 2008 to 2019 with minimal risk. See the NAOI’s recommendation for a superior default retirement portfolio at this link. And, of course, no short-term capital gains taxes apply in these plans so periodic trading is not penalized by the tax code. The financial organization that offers DIs and Dynamic Portfolios to the trillion dollar Retirement Plan industry will dominate it.
7. Opening New Areas of Research and Development. Investment research today is growing less and less productive. Too much time and effort is spent developing ever-more exotic Mutual Funds and ETFs that the public has no interest in buying. And NAOI students have told us that they have little interest in using many of the new Fintech products coming to market. They ARE excited, however, about the use of Dynamic Investments that meet their goals of higher returns with lower risk. As a result DIT and DIs open the doors wide to a field of new and original research and innovative product development not subject to MPT constraints. An NAOI Consulting Agreement shows your organization how to participate in this field of development. And an NAOI Development Partnership, discussed at this link, enables you to work with our development team to create superior investing methods and investment products.
And these are just a few of the benefits of an NAOI Product Development Consulting Agreement.
The Product Line of the Future
The product line of the future will be far more powerful than the one offered by most financial organizations today. The diagram below shows what it will look like. The yellow boxes show products available today. The green boxes show the addition of Dynamic Investments as discussed above and on this site.
This is a product line that includes Dynamic Portfolios that use FOUR degrees of diversification instead of the two used today by traditional MPT portfolios. This fact, alone, changes how investing works at a fundamental level. NAOI consulting shows how.
Consulting Area 3 - Marketing
Not only will that NAOI show you how to create a unique investor education offering and a powerful new product line, we will also show you how to market these offerings in a manner that will attract the attention of the investing public.
As stated above on this page, input from NAOI students and from the public in general tells us that all financial organizations look alike to them. To stand out from the crowd today a totally unique marketing plan must be designed and implemented. The NAOI knows what this market plan needs to look like based on input from hundreds of our students.
Marketing Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios to the Public. Focus groups of NAOI students who have been using DIs in their “live” portfolios for several years with great results, tell us that this is the approach to investing that will finally enable them to enter the market with confidence and without fear. The NAOI uses such input to create compelling marketing material give them a host of reasons for becoming your client.
Consulting Area 4 - Advice and Strategic Planning
The world of financial services is changing fast and a 3 to 5 year strategic plan is a necessity to remain competitive. Via a consulting agreement, the NAOI can provide valuable input to the creation of your strategic plan - adding a critical element in the form of the wants and needs of the investing public. We know what they will buy and what they won’t. A successful strategic plan must consider this information.
An NAOI Advisory Agreement.
NAOI President, Leland Hevner, is available to participate on a financial organization’s Advisory Board. Based on 20+ years of teaching and interacting with hundreds of individual investors, he has an unmatched knowledge of what the public wants and needs to enter the market as your client. On an Advisory Board his input can be seen as the “voice of the individual investor” that must be included in the development of an effective strategic planning process. By including the President of the National Association of Online Investors (NAOI) - a well respected and trusted advocate for the individual investor - on an Advisory Board will give potential clients confidence that their needs are being heard and met. Hevner’s qualifications for this role are found at this link.
The Return on Investment (ROI) of NAOI Consulting
The ROI of an NAOI Consulting Agreement in any of the above listed areas will be off the charts high. Before an NAOI Consulting Agreement is signed, an ROI analysis will be created by the NAOI and delivered to our prospective clients.
Still Not Convinced? Let’s Talk
Feel free to contact me, Leland Hevner, with questions or for more information related to NAOI Consulting Agreements at or via LinkedIn. Also consider purchasing the NAOI Research Report discussed at this link.
“the future of investing starts here” is a registered trademark of Leland hevner and the naoi