Developing a Massive Competitive Advantage
by Working with the NAOI
After finishing the NAOI Research Report entitled “A Blueprint for the Future of Investing” readers will be able to create, manage and sell Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios on their own. All of the information to do so in found in the Report.
But to bring this superior investing approach to market first with the highest performing DI-based products, it is strongly recommended that advisors and financial organizations consider working with the NAOI via a Consulting, Advisory or Partnership agreement. Below are just a few reasons why.
Since the NAOI’s founding in 1997 thousands of individuals have taken our online courses, read our published books and/or attended our college classes. And as we teach them, they teach us. As a result we have an unmatched knowledge of how people make investing decisions including how they choose an advisor to work with. This is extremely valuable information that we share our consulting clients to enable them to develop and offer investment products and investing services that will attract far more clients than they do today.
Dynamic Investment Creation and Development
There are an unlimited number of Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios that can be designed for a full range of investing goals. Readers of the Research Report will not find it difficult to create proprietary DIs that produce higher returns with lower risk than any ETF or Mutual Fund being offered today. But to create optimal DIs for a full range of investing goals and wealth creation solutions, working with the NAOI is highly recommended.
Opening New Markets
Dynamic Investments and Dynamic Portfolios enable financial organizations that offer them to open massive areas of the market that are poorly served by MPT portfolios. The NAOI can show our consulting clients how. Following are just a few:
Dominating the Retirement Market - Discussed in Section 8 of the Research Report is the “NAOI Universal Portfolio” (NUP). It is the ideal default investment for both Retirement Plan providers and participants. The NUP has the universal goal of producing high returns with low risk in all economic conditions, thus no customization for each individual is needed, it can be used by all participants in a Retirement Plan without having to “guess” at their risk profile.
The NUP consistently produces higher returns with lower risk than the increasingly outdated Target-Date funds that are the current default investment. Plus, frequent trading does not incur short-term capital gains taxes in qualified retirement accounts.
Via a consulting agreement the NAOI will show providers of 401(k), and other retirement plans, how to capture a significant share of this multi-billion dollar market via the use of DIs, DPorts and a focused marketing plan. The NAOI also teaches corporate HR departments why and how to demand DI-based solutions from their potential vendors. Organizations that meet this demand will open massive new revenue streams from this multi-billion dollar area of investing.
Meeting the Needs of Less-Affluent Investors - As discussed in Section 8 of the NAOI Research Report, a recent study by FINRA shows that 38% of US households do not own an investment account. This is a massive market that is not targeted by advisors today because many members of this group have a low net worth and advisors can’t charge the fees needed to cover the expenses of designing and managing customized MPT portfolios.
By offering to this market the simple NAOI Universal Portfolio, discussed above, that requires no customization and no active management, the needs of this market can be profitably met with little expense to an advisor of financial organization. The revenue potential from this under-served market is huge.
Working with Academia - DIT uses a set of simple, repeatable rules for the design and management of DIs and DPorts. Because trade decisions for this new approach are made based on objective observations of market data, creating high-performance portfolios is easily “teachable” whereas creating equally effective MPT portfolios that rely on subjective human decisions is not.
The NAOI has developed a complete curriculum for teaching DIT methods that financial organizations can make available to academic institutions. This is a market that today’s financial services industry almost completely ignores. But the NAOI knows it can be a very lucrative one for any financial organization that sponsors a scientifically-based approach to profitable investing. This is what DIT and DIs enable.
Creating Marketing Programs and Material
DIs and DPorts provide investors with so many new and unique benefits that creating effective marketing material describing them can be a daunting task. The NAOI has created the marketing material and marketing plan needed for this purpose. We can share a customized version of this material with our Consulting Clients that will attract far more clients than the “cookie cutter” marketing material used today by virtually all financial organizations today.
Strategic Planning Partnerships
All financial organizations need a strategic business plan for at least five years into the future. Simply creating more mutual funds and ETFs will not be sufficient. And neither will most Fintech developments. A winning business plan will include the development of superior investing products and methods. DIT-based products and methods do just that. The NAOI helps our Strategic Partners create a business plan that ensures that they hold a significant competitive advantage today and far into the future.
Advisory Services
NAOI President, Leland Hevner, is available to serve in an advisory role to ensure that an organization’s strategic planning meets the wants and needs of investors. His knowledge in this area is unmatched in the financial services industry. And he will ensure that in planning for future investing products and methods that the “voice” of the individual investor is heard.
The “Trust” Benefit of an NAOI Partnership
The NAOI has been in the business of empowering investors for 25+ years. Based on our objective and comprehensive investor empowerment programs we have a stellar reputation in both the public and institutional marketplace. A Partnership with the NAOI will give any organization a level of “trust” that is rare in the financial services industry today. And this can be used as a tremendous competitive advantage.